A sudden attack of a severe headache means a dark room, silence, bed, and something cold for most people. If you are among the majorities that experience the onset of migraine pain, which is often nauseating, throbbing, and intense, you might already be irritable and avoid to love any other. The best way to avoid these severe aching conditions is to find out the possible triggers.

Migraine is a medical condition, which shows reoccurring headaches and other related symptoms. Before a person has a headache, first he experiences a sensory change, which is called an aura. There is a difference between normal headaches and migraine pain. This headache occurs in phases and lasts for some days. It could be dominating a person’s lifestyle, commonly affect study and work.

There is a specific reason from which migraine pain comes out, however, there are some indications that direct the migraine pain is coming. The pattern of the symptoms helps to go for the preventive measures and to figure out the triggers. There are a lot of people living with migraine pain, however, if you want to cope up, you should know about its triggers.

The Common Migraine Triggers

Studies come up with the genes related to a migraine that shares similar triggers. Well, migraine is usually associated with physical, emotional, and environmental stress. Moreover, there could be some food triggers that are involved in causing migraine headaches. Here are the common triggers.

Sleep Cycle

Sleep is the most significant and common physical stress triggers. Not taking adequate sleep, not sleeping well, or getting too much sleep all can contribute to bringing migraine attacks. It is easy to figure out that poor sleep or not getting enough sleep could cause headaches, but people usually can’t realize how too much sleep could cause migraines.

People who usually take few hours of sleep or going through insomnia are prone to migraine attacks. Moreover, people with sleep-associated breathing problems are at higher risk of migraine attacks as compared to those who are not. It is important to consult with the doctor and take the proper eight hours of sleep.

Emotional Stressors

If someone is experiencing some kind of emotional stress such as life events, work, studies or family can have migraine attacks. Adding stress-reduction activities such as exercise, yoga, and other physical activities would help you get out of the stressful thoughts cycle and ensuing emotions. If you are going through chronic pain and episodes of stress, the stress reduction classes would help you restrain the migraine attacks.

Food and Drink

Skipping breakfast and lunch is not a good idea, you are welcoming migraine. As you are balancing the sleep cycle, along with that it is also important to stick with a healthy eating schedule that keeps the migraine attacks away.

We never understand the reasons for headaches clearly, however, our focus is always on the kind of food not on the amount of food and time. Missing the major meals and eating at random times bring about body stress and lead to headaches.

In many people, alcohol and bears are the reason for headaches, as alcohol is one of the causes of dehydration. Similar to hunger, dehydration also causes migraine attacks.

Environmental Stressors

People are not aware of the environmental reasons. The outside condition brings body stress and triggers headaches. The examples could be weather changes, such as a windy spring day can bring migraine attacks. Moreover, sunlight, too much cold, and heat change in pressure during airplane traveling, and air pollution are the common environmental triggers.

Cigarette smoke or the people who are exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke could trigger a headache. Wildfire smoke is also among the triggers.