
The new moms never get as much attention as their growing belly receives. Mommies to be are always in the spotlight and under the random recommendations. Well, before being a mommy woman is a kind a girl who loves to be the center of attention who likes to make people adore her. But since they announce the big news, all of a sudden, the feelings and emotions got changed.

Now, all of the focus will be on taking extra care and listening to the random advice of maidens and yes, you and your every act are being noticed.

How’s your baby?

The most asked question is how is your baby? Well, when you enter motherhood your needs are priorities got the backseat, and you have to be prepared for this from the start. Forget those hangouts, long drives, brunches, parties, and friend’s time just remember one thing, now you are breathing for two.

You might now notice, most people are now more interested in your baby and how pregnancy makes you feel not in you! This thing is hard to accept and hard to absorb, well but you have to do this despite all of the irritations and constant counter questions. But, along with the underlining situations, things have already turned into something cheering. When everybody in your surroundings gets to know you and your husband are becoming parents the congratulations from every other person lift your mood and make you feel the existence of your coming soul.

Your Frequent ‘I am Fine’ Answers!

Once you give birth to your little angel, now the most frequently asked questions are ‘how you are feeling now’, ‘how was the delivery experience?’, ‘is your baby all healthy?’, and more. Well, when you have just entered motherhood you are already undecided sometimes and confused most of the time about what to do and how to handle it. In the midst of all these confusions, these questions and your constant answers of ‘I am fine’ may bother you. It’s not your fault, you are already going through the postpartum period.

The scary labor experience and the waking hours at night have already brought women to a situation where they feel they are about to cry and always in a depressing situation, which sometimes becomes uncontrollable. From sleeping for few hours to eating barely very little is all-new for the women at that time. Sometimes you even don’t know how you are feeling at the moment.

Despite everything, you love being a mom!

Life is now far different than the life before motherhood when you have finally healed from everything now you understand how lovely this life is. When you start taking care of your newborn completely all of the sorrows and worries just go down. Now you need no validations, nothing, you just know what the responsibilities of being a mom are. You have now accepted the change and that’s the beauty of life! The main focus of your life your baby and he is the only focus!