
Pregnancy brings a lot of changes that are unexpected most of the time. Pregnant women are known to have a natural glow since they are expecting. As you go further, you may observe some of the major changes in your beauty more than a rosy complexion, good and bad both. You perhaps begin to notice there is an increase in blood flow and change in hormones that are liable for the noticeable beauty changes.

Well, when you are in the pregnancy boat, most of you are already prepared to face major weight gain, which simply means a big change in the body shape. But, many of you are not still aware of the other changes that you may experience. Here you can read what you could expect from the body changes you may come across.

Shiny and Thicker Hair

Have you noticed your braids are getting thicker and glossy? You are not in the imaginations only! The pregnancy hormones play a significant part in controlling hair loss, which means you would have thicker hair. Along with that a healthy diet and parental vitamins are other reasons for having shinier and thicker hair. Well, that is not permanent. After delivery, women report extra hair fall, unfortunately, it is temporary.

Hairy Body

Well, when you are getting happy to see thicker hair on your head, the hairy body might be upsetting you on the other hand. It would be worrying for you when you notice the hair sprouting on your body. During pregnancy, the hormones are responsible for the sumptuous locks, which lead to hair growth in some areas like the nipple, abdomen, and back. However, the good news is your body will get to normal after 6 weeks of postpartum.

Stretch Marks

It is normal for the mommies-to-be to get worried about the stretch marks when they see their belly growing so fast. It is normal to have marks on the areas that are stretching and gaining weight such as breasts, belly, and thighs. Our skins have a tendency of a certain degree for stretching, when your body reaches that certain point, the skin fibers tears and leave scars. This resulting red or sometimes purple marks on certain areas.


Most of the women are blessed to have blemish glowing skin throughout the pregnancy, however, others might be combating the outbreaks of acne. It could be due to certain products that are recommended to prohibit during pregnancy, however, it is important to consult with the doctor about your acne issues. Moreover, read the labels carefully before buying any product.


These are the brown splotches that are hormone-induced and usually known as the mask of pregnancy. They appear on the cheeks, forehead, and chin. Sun exposure can intensify this condition, thereby expecting women are said to maintain a safe detachment to the sun and use sunscreen whenever they are going out. You can sweep a bronzer over the lighter areas of your skin that suit your skin tone to cover-up the splotches.