
Whining is an upsetting state for some of the mommies, as they think their children are spoiled. Well, there is no connection to it. It is the state where kids start crying at a low or high pitch, usually when they are hungry, getting no attention, tired, bored, or sick. When kids whine they get the attention of their parents, where most of the time they respond with anger and frustration. Whining pitch peaks between the age of 2 to 4 years, which could be more distracting like the stretching on the wood or like the uncomfortable nails sound on the chalkboard.

Parents usually scold the children by saying, I cannot hear you and understand when you talk in this pitch. When children heard no, the whining begins from there. Parents already tried almost everything to stop that, but it’s like a fact that appears whenever children cannot absorb that ‘no’!

Well, you are not alone, almost every parent experiences the whining of children at a certain age. There are some reasons that parents should know to deal with the children when they whine.

When they Need Positivity or Connection

Most of the time children whine when they need attention and more connection with their parents. Such as when they are playing, reading something, or cooking. Moreover, it has also be observed, the reason for whining could be when the environment of their house is negative and they want positivity. When mothers and fathers show negativity and children heard negative words they whine more.

When the overall family environment is not good, parents should step back, involve, and connect more with children and try to control the stress level.

If Children have Sensitive Temperament

The temperament and the qualities of every child are different. Children are found with three types of temperaments active, easy, or warm. The change in the temperament causes them to whine.

Some children are born with more anxiety, more strong reactions, will and go through hard times to accept the new changes.

Need Help or Some Resources

When children are exhausted and need your help, they usually whine. It usually happens when they are tired, hungry, stressed, thirsty, hungry, sleepy, and overwhelmed their cute little voices turns high pitched. They need some resources immediately whether they know it is good for them or not.

When you feel they are whining, think for a while, whether my baby is hungry, sleepy, need some stuff, or wants to play. You can also think of the emotional issues or physical issues they may have, this could also be the reason for whining.

When they want to Express Feelings

Sometimes it is the sign of expressing the feelings, usually, when they want to show their sadness or disappointment they choose to whine.

When your kid whine, instead of scolding them and throwing tantrum, try to welcome their displeasure. It might be very uncomfortable for you to bear the whining of kids, just take a deep breath and handle it with kindness and calmly.