
Sometimes, children become exhausted, which is considered to be perfectly normal. But if you see your kid is consistently tired and inactive you need to investigate the issue promptly. Well, children are the capitals of the house, their laughter, running around the house, and silly conversations always keep up the moods of parents. But, when they saw them lethargic for the whole day as they were in the night, make them worried.

The excuses to avoid homework, socialize, and play with other children, and avoiding food for no reason. These things make the parents worried, and most of the parents connect with the health care providers. When a child complains to be tired all day it is a symptom of extreme fatigue.

Fatigue is a condition in which a child remains inactive and lacks the energy to perform even normal tasks. They are not interested in games, cartoons, or even their favorite food. Despite proper sleep routine, they are too lethargic to leave their bed. In time treatment is recommended if parents observe the continuous inactivity in their kids.

Causes of Continuous Tiredness


We think that depression in children is a rare thing. However, some of the parents are aware of depression in children, and they recognized it when their child cries or becomes sad. But, this is not necessary all the time. Some of the time they become sad and cries, but most of the time they don’t instead they show tantrums or separate themselves.

Common symptoms are change in appetite, less concentration, low self-esteem, sensitivity, low energy, low grades, lack of interest, and more.

Due to Different Illnesses

Acute illnesses can be one of the major causes. For example, children with respiratory problems, sinus infections, colds, etc. can have tiredness all the time. When they recover from those illnesses their tiredness goes away.


If you think your child is tired, the first and foremost thing you can do is, give your kid a glass of water. Without the maximum amount of water content, the body cells do not function properly, which is the major cause of fatigue. Make the habit of drinking water by offering them a glass of water whenever you are thirsty.

Side Effects of Medications

When your child is on some medications, he might be experiencing tiredness. Medications for allergies, cold and other illness causes fatigue in children.

Sleeping Problems

Sleep is necessary to convince ourselves for the next day. If your child is going through sleeping problems or have irregular sleeping patterns, they become tired. Monitor the time they go to bed and wake up and stay with them for about a week to set the routine and make them sleep, as every child has different sleeping patterns.

Lack of Hemoglobin

The lack of hemoglobin in the blood that transports the oxygen to the body cells causes anemia, which is due to iron deficiency. This deficiency of hemoglobin keeps your child lethargic and fatigued for the whole day.