
When you see your children shouting and throwing tantrums for little things or sometimes no reason. Usually, moms choose to play Baby Shark in the middle to tempt them. We think this technique works better rather than doing some distracting activities.

It’s a pro tip, mothers can make a habit of preparing a comfort box that contains the stuff that is calming. Usually, when children are surrounded by their favorite things, they learn to manage their temper, it is a sort of treasure for them. But always remember, it on you how creatively you introduce it to your kids!

Mommies are always struggling to find ways that are helpful to calm-down their kids, usually, the phone technique is considered to distract, but it’s not healthy! The under-the-radar strategies are covered, but here we will discuss some really interesting ways that work like fun!

Start a Brain Game

So whenever you see your child getting uncontrolled, don’t waste your time by being just stressed over it. For sure, your child isn’t listening to you even if you are offering his/her favorite food, it’s time to play the brain game. Try something unexpected for your kids. Stimulate your kid by suddenly asking him about the colors in the room and touch them while identifying, of start jumping and whispering the funny sound to distract. This will shift his emotional state towards the fun!

Try Funny Ways to Hug

Cuddling is the soothing therapy for kids, whether they are angry or not. They feel so protective and love the positive vibes that are emitting from their mothers. When your kids are sad or excited the hugs from mom and dad both make them feel overwhelmed. There are always some funny ways to hug, like the butterfly hug by holding the child in arms and make him fly. Try out some more fun ways, and you will see the distress going away!

Soothe the Calming Spot of your Baby

This might be fussy, but it works like wonders. This soothing technique is suggested by many experts that helps in calming down the kids. Gently rub the pressure point in a circular motion following the curve at the top of the ear of your baby, keep talking with the baby. The second thing that you can do it, reach the elbow crease and simply slip your finger to the edge which is the closest to the body of your baby. This will make your kid feel good.

Release Positive Vibes

When you observe your baby has started to make the chanting sound of ‘om’, it means heading off the tears. Start distracting him by making eye contact when you are talking and rock him back and forth. Gently hold the hands and make a circle with the arms. Parents should teach their kids about chanting. It is the idea that specifies that every sound we make has some vibration, and the chant of ‘om’ relates to the heart. Chanting affects the areas in the brain that are related to emotions and slow down its activity.