
A fresh start in the morning means a healthy day throughout. When the school years of your child starts, you rushed toward the mains that can keep your kid healthy and in routine. Mothers start to list down the likelihoods in the timeline and conquer it from the morning. From our childhood, we heard that waking up early in the morning and taking a healthy breakfast keeps a person active for the whole day.

Mornings sometimes could be stressful not for the children only but adults also. However, a good start is important anyway! Usually, moms are in hurry in the morning, preparing lunch, setting bags, convincing children for breakfast, and gearing up their kids as the school bus is almost there. These all chaos of streaming for school might be affecting the healthful start. Not to mention, if you are more willing to manage the tasks and a healthy routine you should decide from where to begin. Here are a few tips you can go with, which will clear your confusion.

Get things done the Night Prior

Leaving things for the next day is always forbidden. As we always suggested to complete the task the same day. When you reach home after spending the whole busy day, you are left with little or no energy to do anything. All you see is the cozy bed, and you prefer to lay down leaving the things behind.

But, this is the comfort of the night. When you wake up, and you begin to run here and there. The school bags are not done, uniforms are not pressed, and shoes are not polished.

Take a Positive Start

In the morning, we are not just adjusting ourselves, however, a positive start should be considered. It is really important to turn out the attitudes from stressing negative mood to positivity. Begin the day with a six-minute hug to your children, a hug when your children come out from their bedrooms is a simple therapy.

Six-seconds are enough to release the comforting chemicals that surely make your kid feel good. Moreover, for some exciting vibes, high-fives work wonders, and state affirmations.

Set the Rules

Rules are sometimes so frustrating for children, but making rules a fun thing will make your children enjoy following it. Setting a routine like arranging the tasks step by step and reminding them to your kids by visualizing, or some fun activity will keep them connected with the routine. Mindfulness is the major source that works like magic.

Wake up Early 

Well, some of the people experience morning sickness, and some have laziness in the morning. However, adjusting the wake-up time is a big struggle for the sleepy nerds, also, having some more time in the morning is perfect to avoid the hiccups you might expectedly experience.

Parents should wake up 10-20 minutes earlier than the kids. Figure out how much you will need to settle yourself and get yourself out of the morning sickness. Make a cup of coffee and show the cherry bright face to your kids. Having a few more minutes before school will be a lifesaver for kids and parents too.