
Mommies are always struggling with the problems of their children. From handling the discomforts to bringing them to sleep becomes stressful. Mothers are always finding a practical solution to soothe their children. Teething is a tough time for both kids and mothers. When the teeth start to come out from the gums, this brings a lot of symptoms that make teething hard to handle. Sometimes the intensity of pain is different, and the symptoms as well.

Teething in children starts from 5 to 7 months, however, most kids start it later. There is nothing to get worried about if the baby isn’t teething in these months, it is different in all babies. Well, once your baby starts teething, the wake-up calls for the mothers start then.

The teething in children leads to poor sleeping habits, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, fever, and itching in the gums. While mommies experience anxiety when they see their children in pain. The teething duration in all kids is different, while teeth are coming maintaining the well-being of children is quite a different task.

Soothing the teeth of babies

It is not necessary that what else suits the baby of your friend will suit your baby. If you want to make your little one feel good, you must try different things.

  • If your kid drinks water, give them cold water in the sipper. But avoid it in winter.
  • Put something cool in your baby’s mouth such as a cold pacifier, clean cold washcloth, any solid refrigerated toys, and spoon. Well, some of the studies have declared that solid toys may hurt the gums. Make sure the stuff you are giving to your child is clean.
  • Give your kid a hard teething wafer or cracker.
  • Clean your finger and massage the gums gently by rubbing them. If the teeth are not coming out, let your child bite or chew your finger. If your baby breastfeeds, massage the gums before feeding them with a cool finger.

Necklaces for Teething

Teething necklaces are not recommended to children by child health experts. These necklaces can be squeezed around the neck of the baby. Moreover, if it breaks it can choke the throat. If you are giving the mouthpiece to your baby, make sure to tie them on the wrist. When they are using the mouthpiece keep checking them. Do not give it to your baby when you are not around.

Treatments not to Try!

Anything that cannot help with soothing, try to make those things away from your baby as it can lead to other problems. The tethers or other teeth soothing stuff are not always safe for the little ones such as;

  • If the frozen toys are too hard they can hurt the gums.
  • The stuff having liquid, it could burst and leak into the mouth which could not be safe.
  • The teeth soothing items that are made of plastic or any other breakable material. There are chances of breaking and can choke the throat.

Try to use the tether that is of rubber. The breakable material is not safe. Moreover, before using any medicine for the swollen gums confirm with the doctor. Use the treatments suggested by child health experts.