
Few parents stay worried about the behavioral change in their children, they found them more difficult than others. Sometimes they are very furious, energetic, throwing tantrums, and do things that make parents amazed. Parents usually speak about the challenges that they experience when they have kids that are not easy to handle. Usually, people say firstborn babies are so quiet and easy, however, you never know how typical they could be. Children are unpredictable whether they are first, second or third born, parents can never guess their temperaments and instincts.

Some children rarely make any trouble when they turn 1. Usually, it has been observed that when kids reach their toddling stage, they become more quick and sharp. At that age, they start to understand things, try to express their emotions and needs. But, as children grow and reach the age of nine they go with the flow. In the beginning, you perhaps have a harder time with them because few things might be different in your kid as you heard from others. When you have a hand full of solutions and ways you can nearly do everything.

There are difficulties for sure, but it’s not just about parents, it’s challenging for the kids too. The temperament in infants can help predict the behavior of a kid in adolescence. The children who are born with reactive temperament, those babies reacted to noise and lights and it became hard to soothe them.

Having a difficult baby doesn’t mean that now you and your baby will have hard times together. However, there is always a connection and controversy between nature and nurture. Parents, teachers, and other children possibly play a big role in controlling and shaping the behavior of children. You can also say that there is a great impact of good parenting on the behavior of children. Consistent and thoughtful parenting can benefit kids with tougher temperament.

Ways to Handle

There are some ways that could help you in some corner of your parenting. These dynamics will make you think for a while whether you are paying attention to these situations or not?

  • Always notice the things that your child likes to do when he is throwing temperaments. Like throwing clothes while you are in the kitchen. Use the preventive measures that do not lead the kid to do it again.
  • Keep yourself calm, if you are calm you can easily handle the behavior. Keep a neutral tone, and stay steady and teach your child how to stop bad behaviors.
  • If your child is misbehaving, instead of reacting harshly, explain to them that doing that is wrong. Make them understand how bad behaviors could affect others.
  • The best strategy to praise the good behavior of your child is bestowing rewards, this is the best time to make promises and boost self-confidence and positive behaviors.
  • Children need attention, so whenever they are expressing their happiness or sadness let them explain it. Listen to them carefully rather than reacting or scolding them, if there is something wrong explain them politely.