
The hardest yet most satisfying job in this whole world is to raise your kids and this is what you were not really prepared for. We all know children are challenging and most deprived of the second a mother gave birth to them till the end. Working as a team to raise a kid is important, it is all about being supportive, being a backbone to each other, sharing all the responsibility, and making decisions together. Working together means you and your partner approving on all things mutually e.g. paying bills, doing home chores, fulfilling all the responsibilities, managing the house, etc. Showing care for your kids and your partner and make sure that everybody has time to do all the stuff they enjoy. Taking care of kid’s bedtime routine, family proper diet, discipline is very important.

How you interact with your partner really affects and has a huge influence on your kids. For instance, if your kids are watching you working together and supporting each other your kids feel safe and feel good. Your kids will learn how to be respectful, how to communicate and, how to build a strong relationship that’s important for the kid’s emotional health.


Having a proper family mealtime every day is difficult for the parents and even for the kids. Possibly there are nothing children would like more than taking up time for them. Waking up early and taking out time for breakfast together and leaving all the dishes, just interact with the kids at the time and just go for walk after dinner that’s how you can pay attention.


Being a good example for your kids is no doubt very important because you are the one from whom they learn a lot in their lives. The fresher they are, the more signs they take from you. When you are angry, overreacting, and lash out just think about this once that you want the same from your kids? You want to see them react the same to the situation when angry? Just remember that you are being watched every time by your children so be aware of that. The more you do good, the more they become good.


Being encouraging and positive with your kids means a lot for children. Have you ever imagined how many times you behaved positively with your kids in a day? Maybe you are not being good to them, maybe you find yourself criticizing more than praising them. Scolding is not always the option, using phrases like “you set your room without asking, that’s great!” or “I was staring you playing with your friends and you were calm.” Phrases like this are more inspiring and encouraging decent behavior. Your love, praises, hugs can do wonders you just have to be unselfish to them.


It’s a guardian’s responsibility to guide the kids. Correcting your children in a good way makes all the difference in their lives. Being a father or a mother is surely so tough you have a lot of responsibilities and you are exhaust sometimes but when you want to confront your kid stop blaming, scolding, criticizing which weakens their self-esteem and that leads to hatred. Instead of doing all these kinds of stuff just be good and encouraging although you want your kids to be improved your love should always be there.