
The technological era has positive and negative effects on people, especially on children. Kids are more involve in technology and spend more time on mobile phones and computers. They are more involved in the digital world rather than the real world. Decades ago, when there were no video games and mobile phones, children go outside in parks and grounds to play. However, digitalization has replaced this all. It has been ruling our lives and taking us away from socializing. Parents are more responsible as they are not cutting off the use of gadgets from their lives and not paying attention.

As per the researches, all over the world, children are spending 3 billion hours on screens. Videogame addiction in children can lead to various psychological issues. Game addiction to children’s brains is like alcoholism and drug intake, gaming for long hours brings the same changes in the brain as of after drugs and alcoholism.

Adverse Effects on The Children’s Brain

Lack of Attention and Interest

The frequent use of mobile phones and video games leads to a lack of attention and interest. It has been proven by researches that, the children spending more time on playing video game have a lesser interest in studies and performs poorer. They never focus on studies and always skipping home works and school.


The video games that are violent causes aggression in children and reduces positive behavior. They are negatively affecting the mood of children, and they are growing impulsive with no manners. Children bump into violence daily and become numb to it. This is still undecided, whether aggressive games make the player aggressive or not. Some studies say that people who choose aggressive games are already aggressive, and some say aggressive games make the player aggressive.

However, it has been stated that aggressive games provoke aggression in children, which becomes long-term. If parents observe aggression in their children, they should concern with their doctor and talk about their behaviors.

Concentration Problems

To some extent, video games can affect the concentration in children. For short time it can affect the capability to concentrate but leaving long-term effects on the brain. Children with low concentration problem could not perform well in studies and always stay absent-minded.

Less Exercise and Gain Weight 

When your child stays on phone for the whole day, he/she will not get time to exercise and do some physical activity. Laying on a bed or couch with a phone and eating the whole time prohibited exercise, which leads them to gain extra weight and in severe cases, it causes obesity in children.

Poor Social Skills

The children who are more involved in games remain detached from family members and relatives. They never socialize, and when they mingle, they tantrum and show aggression, which is an embarrassing moment for the parents. In this technological era, it has become very difficult for parents to handle their children and raise them. However, it is important to give them gadgets for decided hours and encourage them to play outdoors, make friends, socialize and spend more time on studies and with parents.