
The changes in the skin are common in around 20% of pregnant women, which could be skin darkening, acne, and stretch marks. These new beauty marks make the mommies-to-be very self-conscious. The skin changes are normal in pregnancy, however, allergies from mild to severe are found rare. Well, the woman who is excited becomes worried when the frequent changes are being observed on the body. The allergies occur when the women come in contact with some allergens, the symptoms are not life-threatening but can cause discomforts. 

First and foremost, when you are pregnant, and you know that you are allergic to certain things, which possibly could be food, dust, flowers, cigarette smoke, some medicines, or anything avoid those things as much as you can. 

If you have a particular allergy like hay fever, you may likely have the common symptoms that usually women experience is congestion, runny nose, fever, itchy eyes, congestion, headache, and sneezing. 

What are the Causes of Allergies?

As your baby grows in your belly, itchiness or dryness may occur due to skin contraction. It has been observed that women could experience severe itchiness and rashes. Moreover, studies show that there is a possibility of developing a serious skin condition called PUPP, which has been found in every 1 in 150 women. 

As we all know, rashes are a common problem that occurs due to certain allergies. The dryness stretches, skin contraction, and other skin changes can make you vulnerable to skin allergies during pregnancy. The common causes of allergies or hives are;

  • Pollen
  • Medicines
  • Foods
  • Animal dander
  • Insects’ bites
  • Certain chemical reactions

Another severe condition that has been found in 1 in 150 women is cholestasis in pregnancy. In this condition, severe itching can be occurred by jaundice, nausea, and vomiting. This condition is associated with problems in your liver. If you see any of these symptoms, take instant medical help. 

Does the Allergy Affect the Infants?

If you are allergic to some allergens that affect the skin and got hives during pregnancy, those allergies could not affect your baby. You may already follow the precautions, but instead, it is important to continue the consultation before using any medication. 

But, if you are experiencing any symptoms rather than the common ones that are creating respiratory problems, or throat swelling. Falling of oxygen could create serious difficulties for your baby. In this case, it has been recommended to seek immediate medical consultation. 


It is the most severe type of allergic reaction, which could be deadly. The good news is, the babies inside the mother’s womb can protect themselves from the maternal anaphylaxis for a short time by naturally producing histamines. Well, this type of reaction is still fatal, which need immediate consultation of a healthcare provider.  The mild allergic reactions can never be harmful to the babies. However, if you know you have some allergic issues, keep yourself away from those allergens. For the safety precautions of both you and your baby, stay connected with your doctor and alert him/her whenever you observe some uncertain problems before they got worse and affect your baby.