
Pregnancy is the time when you are enjoying every single moment, regardless of being annoyed by the symptoms you are struggling with. A great way of remembering all of the moments is by maintaining the pregnancy journal. How you felt that time, the excitements of announcing your pregnancy, choosing the name, the first ultrasound, the heartbeat, the first kick, and everything you have felt at that time.

Documenting the time of you feel and what is the observation about pregnancy isn’t just end here, however, it makes the whole journey happier and healthier. It is not wrong to say that, preparing yourself is an emotional roller coaster, but, when you start to express your feelings it would help you to control your stress as well as boost physical flexibility and immunity.

When you save your thought, it supports in developing the attachment with the baby, and when the baby grows up, telling all the details could strengthen a distinctive bond to share. Firstly, you have to decide how you will maintain it and what you will pen down. Here are some smart suggestions that you can highlight the instincts about your pregnancy.

Baby Announcement

Write down the details when you got confirmed about your pregnancy. What it was, a surprise, or you were expecting? How you break the news to your partner, friends, and family. What reactions you got, surprised, or excited? Indulge all the sentiments and best reactions!

Choosing the Name of your Baby

This is the most exciting time when you choose the name of your baby, how do you come up with the perfect one? What did you consider when you found the sex of your baby? Does your husband suggest it or other family members? Was it hard for everyone to agrees with the name, or you had many options? These name picking memories are most exciting.

The Emotional You

When you are pregnant, you probably are the most emotional one. With the mood swings, the baby kicks that cool you down all of a sudden, and the excitement of meeting your little one, the change in the excitement level is something you have no control over. But share the negative emotions as well. You will laugh at them later about how you fight with your husband.

The Pre Mom Life

Think about your life before your baby and paint life after the baby. List down the activities you never miss, the TV shows and movies you never forgot to watch and the shopping hours you enjoy with your friends. Share how you decide you should now have a baby and what predictions you had about your baby.

Round-Two Firsts

If you have gone through pregnancy earlier, your second baby isn’t less special for you. Think about what is special about having a second baby. Compare your second pregnancy with your first one, focus on the difference in both pregnancies. Share the time when you revealed the second baby to your elder one that he/she is going to be a big sister or brother, and write down how he/she responds!