
Toddlers are enchanting little people who are more involved in touching and exploring things. The long hugs and kisses embrace our hearts with love and affection. The other times as parents you have to deal with the tantrum and aggression they throw. You love spending time with them, and the funny conversations with them meltdowns your heart. With the never-ending love, you have to handle the freak-outs and emotional drives as well.

Toddlers may show aggressive behaviors while playing with other children or siblings, such as hitting, biting, express frustration, not sharing toys with other children, and exerting independence. When these all things go out of control, what could help now? Sometimes, this breakdown the parents when they see the constant behaviors, but what you can do to control? Don’t worry these tips are parental basics!

Learn about your Toddler’s Triggers

The triggers of aggression are different every time, some kids throw tantrums when they are tired or hungry, and some toddlers become frustrated when they need the attention of their parents. Moreover, in other cases children may act out when they are in a stressful situation like moving to a new house or daycare.

It is important to pay attention to every mysterious act, try to understand the triggers, and avoid the scenarios. Be around your kid give hug and hold the hands and potentially try to control them from exerting aggression.

Keep your Child Calm and Relax

When toddlers are showing aggressive behaviors, sometimes the parents also become aggressive. When parents and kids both showing emotions, it increases aggression in both. Parents should regulate their emotional state and deal with their behavior with love and self-control. Children can only become stable when they get affection and love from their parents.

Teach them Good Behaviors

It is important to praise your children even they are not doing something extraordinary. Appreciation builds self-esteem and brings positive vibes. Parents should teach their children good social behavior, and when they act well, appreciate them by saying ‘you behave so nice today, it makes us happy when you share your toys with other children’. Children learn from their house, and when absorbing positivity from the surroundings they act positively in gatherings.

Don’t Compensation to Tantrums

If your child gets aggressive and begins to throw tantrums at the grocery store or mall asking for the favorite cereal, toy, chocolate, or anything, don’t buy anything at that time. When you compensate or reward the tantrums it becomes a habit to ask for things in that way, which is inappropriate behavior.

Discourage Aggressive Games and Plays

Toddlers are at the stage of learning, whatever they see they learn and act out accordingly. Watch out for the conducts that are including violence in the child’s game and play. If they watch aggressive cartoons or play aggressive video games they would add it to their play as well. Observe your child’s play, if your kid is hitting the doll with another she will do the same thing in reality. If you notice violence, teach them nicely, ‘it is not good that one friend hit the other’.