
A pregnant woman undergoes many changes, physical and hormonal, both. The changes are hard to pass through but women being as strong as always carry their illness and anxiety smoothly. Even after giving birth, it doesn’t stop instantly. Postpartum hair loss is a common issue every woman has to face. Hair loss after delivery is not like usual one, there is an excessive amount of hair fall each passing day. 

The normal amount of hair falling each day is 100 strands. But when you are pregnant, the diet and other vitamins intake is rich and wholesome. It increases blood circulation in your body that results in healthy hair during pregnancy.  But when you deliver your baby, the oestrogen level falls resulting in huge hair loss for the mother, which may continue till 6 to 8 months. But no need to freak out, this change is also temporary like many others you faced during your pregnancy.

Treatment for Postpartum Hair Loss

Continue your Healthy Diet Routine

To treat hair loss the first and the most important thing to continue is your diet which was during pregnancy that includes fruits and vegetables, proteins and other minerals. These intake of vitamins and nutrients will fight against hair loss and keep your hair healthy looking as earlier.

Prenatal Vitamins

Don’t stop the intake of prenatal vitamins without asking your doctor. These vitamins will restore the energy in you which in turn have a good effect on your scalp health.

Avoid Stressing Out

The best and natural way that comes from within is to be relaxed even though your baby is a little crying machine. Do not stress out on anything post pregnancy also, be it anything related to you baby. Your baby will be safe and healthy when you will be healthy. Consult your physician when needed.

Gentle Care for your Hair

You will need to be extra careful while handling your hair. Don’t comb like you used to do before, must use a widely spaced comb for your hair to avoid clumps of hair on your comb or brush. Do not shampoo frequently because it makes your hair dry and dryness leads to excessive hair loss, so shampoo your hair only when needed the most. Massages should be gentle and cut short in time, massage your hair with oil but be careful about delicate roots that might fall out.

Go with a Natural Look

It’s time to praise your natural hair because applying heat onto it will cause some severe and permanent damage to your hair. You might need to avoid blow drying, straightening and curling for 5 to 6 months after giving birth to save yourself from an irreversible damage. Also avoid applying chemicals on your scalp like bleach, hair dye or chemical treatments.

Consult your Doctor

If this thing continues for longer than a year and is accompanied by other symptoms as well then it could be an alarm to go check in to your physician because it could be any postpartum disease like anemia or thyroiditis.