
Coronavirus is a widespread infectious and deadly virus that spreads from person to person. The close contact between two people can cause this disease to transmit to the other person by the infected person. This virus has affected millions of people all around in which millions of people head to death.

Initially, people who got infected with this virus experience mild to severe symptoms. It is commonly spread through the respiratory droplets produced when the infected person sneezes and coughs. These droplets do not dwell in the air, they settled in the surface or floors quickly. You can get this virus if there is a close bond between you and the infected person, or by touching your mouth, nose, and eyes after touching the contaminated area.

People are always encouraged to follow the advice given by the government and health providers. Every one of us should know the symptoms of this virus and we all should differentiate between the common viral and this disease. So that we cannot get anxious and take some wrong steps. These days, everyone needs to be very much conscious about every little thing.

How you can save others?

From the beginning, we all know that the coronavirus spreads by close contact with the infected person. However, it is always recommended to follow the SOPs issued by the government after the intercession with WHO. The standard operating procedures (SOPs) are set to make the work routine flow uninterrupted and smooth.

Staying at home is the prompt recommendation given by the health providers, however, if you are stepping out due to some reasons, wear a mask and gloves to keep yourself safe and others also.

Everyone must sanitize their hands, maintain a distance of at least 3 feet, wear masks and gloves, and avoid shaking hands and touching each other’s stuff.

The people who think they are having some kind of cough, flu, or fever, quarantine yourself and cut off routine meet-ups with people until they get normal. To avoid any severe condition, take medical advice if you notice some irregular ups and downs in your health.

Good Hygiene Practices 

Practicing good hygiene is highly essential to stay away from this deadly disease. Along with keeping distance and taking care of the abnormal health circumstances, there are some does you can add to your daily routine if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones.

  • For 20 seconds, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Do not touch your mouth, nose, and eyes without washing your hands.
  • After coming back from work or outside, take bath, change your clothes, and avoid close contact with the other family members.
  • If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with tissue, elbow, or shoulder.
  • Carry your hand sanitizer when going out. The sanitizer should have 60% alcohol content.  
  • Use germs protective detergents and liquids for cleaning your house.
  • Avoid the use of air-conditioners. Open your windows, and make sure the fresh air and sunlight pass in your house.

Disinfect the object that is in daily use, for example, keys, wallet, TV remote, mobile phone, etc.