
Christmas is the most awaited event of the year, especially for the kids. The festival is full of excitement about getting a gift and cosplaying. A healthy diet cannot be skipped, all mothers are concerned about the health of their children, and they should be as health come first. This holiday is all about including the sweet treats and yummy dishes in the meal. Most probably people love to arrange customized cookies, cakes, pies, gingerbread, brownies, and some healthy smoothies. Finding the Christmas themed meal is the utmost consideration to make the children happy.

But if you want to keep the children away from the junk and ready-made food, you have to make some special efforts for your kids. You have many options to choose from, and a few of them are here, so be ready to get the tummies filled.

Santa Hat Jell-O Shooters 

The Christmas party is incomplete without Santa. This quick recipe will give you the best add-on to put on the table. You just need water, Jell-O, strawberry, and whipping cream. All you need to do this, pour some water into a saucepan, and add the Jell-O packet in it, stir until it dissolves. Pour it into small shot glasses and put it into the refrigerator until it settles. Decorate it with the whipping cream and put the strawberry upside down, the pointed end up, and place a dot of whipping cream to give it a touch of Santa’s hat.

Banana Snowman

These bananas snowman will surely get all of the attention of the children at the party. Cut the wide slice of banana, and fix it in sticks. Decorate it with chocolate chips for eyes and nose, strawberry as the hat, and grapes on the top.

Chocolate Dip 

This chocolate dip is best to serve with fruits. The ingredients you need are 100mg chocolate milk, ½ cup of thickened cream, and white marshmallow. You can quickly be made this in a minute. Add the three ingredients together, put it in the microwave for one minute on medium, take it out and stir well, then put it again for one minute and keep it in the refrigerator to serve it on the table.

Tangy Cherry Barbecue Sausages 

This is the yummiest meal that will leave you with so many compliments. Take 2 medium onions and chop it well, 2/3 cup cherry preserves, 1 teaspoon of ground chipotle chili pepper, ¼ cup of tomato paste, ¼ cup of cider vinegar, and 2 pounds of smoked turkey sausages. Combine all of the ingredients in the 2-quart slow cooker and add sausage slices cut into 72 slices. Cover it and let it cook on the low flame for up to 1 hour until it cooks. Serve it with the toothpicks.

Watermelon Christmas Tree 

These watermelon Christmas trees when served properly will surely catch all of the attention towards it. Take out the seeds of the watermelon and cut it in a triangular shape, make the base of the tree with the watermelon rind and decorate it with the whipping cream.