
Your whole diet undergoes a huge change when you discover that you are pregnant. You may have to leave eating what is your favorite and you might have to add some unwanted edibles to your list. The very first thing expecting women study when they are pregnant is what they can eat and what not. It can be a real disappointment if you are foodie.

 You must know that these all changes are for your and your baby’s benefit. There are some of the beverages which may look fine to intake but might have negative effects on pregnant women.

Drinks and Beverages to Avoid While Pregnant:

Here is a small list of beverages and drinks to stay steer clear of during pregnancy.

  • Unpasteurized Milk And Juices:

Raw milk and fruits and vegetables juices can contain a lot of harmful and negatively affecting bacteria. Such bacteria can be a source of destructive infections in your newly born. The bacteria present in these fluids can be naturally occurring or can be caused by contaminating during the storage process.

Pasteurization is a process by which damaging bacteria and other microorganism present in the material are destroyed. They can easily enter into the baby’s body through placenta. To reduce the risk of contaminations, drink only pasteurized fluids.

  • Diet Soda:

One of the most important component of diet soda is caffeine which is highly unsafe for the baby. Caffeineis mixed with other vastly sugary components which can cause problems for the fetus. If it is consumed excessively it starts causing problems in the growth and development of the baby and generates different defects.

  • Coffee and Caffeine:

Stay steer clear of any sort of coffee and products which contain caffeine in them throughout your pregnancy. This is the most ultimate practicein your prenatal routine. It can be difficult for many women as they are habitual of taking coffee in their routine so you can start by minimizing the consumption of coffee and caffeine. Try to intake these as least as possible especially in the initial time. Extreme consumption of caffeine causes miscarriages.

  • Iced Tea And Oxygenated Beverages:

For the women who are pregnant in summers, chill and cold drinks are a sort of craving. Iced teas really look harmless and mild but they are not. Iced teas are just any drink but they are teas which means it contains large amount of caffeine in it which can be really risky.

Many people in today’s time are habitual of drinking aerated or oxygenated drinks. These drinks contain caffeine in them. Not only caffeine but also very harmful chemicals which can be really hazardous for pregnant women.

  • Alcohol:

Consumption of alcohol can be really harmful for fetus and mother. Alcohol cause several defects in baby like bodily deformation, hindered brain and a lot of others. Not a single drink is fine for baby. Just one drink can cause many abnormalities in the baby.

  • Green Tea:

It may be very healthy for many people but it is quite harmful for pregnant ladies. It does contain caffeine in it. It also increases your metabolism which is already very high during pregnancy. Stay away from all sort of green teas throughout your pregnancy.

While making your diet plan during pregnancy, remember balance is the key to healthy and happy pregnancy. It is really important to avoid all those things which may lead your pregnancy to a risk. If you feel any sort of doubt call on your midwife or health provider immediately.