
In new parenthood, the most combating time is handling the sleeping issues of babies. Setting the sleeping patterns in the baby from the first month is likely to be a very stressful part of parenthood. The sleeping issues grow up as the infant grows. 

Most of the time, sleep issues appear due to normal illness, stomach aches, sleep disruption, teething, routine changes, and developmental breakthrough. However, still, these sleeping issues create problems and discomfort for you and your little ones. When women become frustrated, they start googling the question, how to cope up with the sleeping issues? How to take rest with a newborn? How to make parenthood smooth? Well, these questions are normal, and the answers let you go back to the beginning. 

Mothers also become worried about, why their babies do not sleep at night? But, you can never convince your little one to sleep until he feels sleepy. It is hard to absorb for women that there is a new lifestyle and entering it will make disturb the eating and sleeping routine, bring physical changes, and put forth you in huge responsibilities and tasks. Still, you have to deal with it, and it is necessary to find out the reasons. 

Sleep Disturbance Due to Late Night Feeding

The babies in their 2 to 3 months are on breastfeed. During the night, they need to fill up their tummies about two or three times. Feeding them in the middle of the night is good for the babies, however not even more necessary on the other hand. For this, talk to the pediatrician about the overnight feeding routine and make sure the tummy of the baby is filled appropriately in the day time. 

Your baby won’t know whether it Day or Night 

Newborn babies do not know what is day and night. You should need to set the routine that develops the recognition of day and night. There are a few things that you should need to consider.

  • Take your baby in the sun, the sunlight when strikes will naturally set the inner clock. 
  • Swaddle your baby at night snuggly and tightly, so they do not move and sleep long. 
  • Make them awake at the day time longer. 
  • Turn the lights off during the night, and your goal should be zero disturbance in the area where your baby is sleeping.
  • Don’t try the sleep-inducing activities during the day time. 

Your Baby Might have Some Illness 

When your baby isn’t feeling well, he/she most probably do not sleep at night, check if your baby is having a gas, cold, allergies, constipation, stomach aches, teething, fever or other health-related problem. 

Baby Needs Mother In the middle of the night, most of the time babies wake up and cry as they want to know where the mother is. Babies are attached to mommies or sometimes daddies, they want them most of the time. It has been suggested to sleep with your child in the same room, near the crib. When the baby feels close to their parents they sleep comfortably.