Women usually experience some level of sleep issues influence during pregnancy, and for a remarkable number of ladies, sleep interruption might be very extreme. There is a wide range of reasons for sleep issues that usually influence during pregnancy, and picking the fitting intercession depends on a precise diagnosis of the issue.

Specific sleep problems, for example, sleep apnea and restless leg condition, are more normal during pregnancy and may cause sleep disturbance. The physical inconveniences and hormonal changes related to pregnancy can influence a pregnant woman’s sleep quality. Every trimester of pregnancy brings its exceptional sleep difficulties, which sometimes are easy to handle and most of the time become difficult to overlook.

Regardless of whether your insomnia (sleeping disorder) sleeping issues are associated with anxiety, insane pregnancy dreams, frequent visits to the washroom, or your sweet darling kicking you in the ribs, getting sufficient rest is significant for acceptable wellbeing. To assist you with improving night’s sleep, here are the details about the reasons for sleep deprivation, just as how you can deal with and possibly forestall it during pregnancy.

Come out of Bed

Well, if you aren’t snoozing following 20 to 30 minutes, get up and look for a little, even exhausting task to achieve (think bill paying for 15 minutes, not cleaning the washroom) and afterward try to go to bed to sleep once more. You may simply be worn out enough by that point to get the rest you need.

Distract yourself

In case you’re lying in bed and awake for long, distract yourself with something until you’re feeling adequately tried to nod off. It’s more powerful than lying in bed and gazing at the clock. Practice approaches to feel relaxed at night times. Do more exercise, search for relaxing techniques, practice meditation, and try out things that keep you relaxed.

Try Parenting Teas

Caffeine isn’t something you ought to have while pregnant — except if encouraged by your health care provider, which is the reason numerous individuals recommend maintaining a strategic distance from tea. Therefore, caffeine-free natural teas can be both protected and advantageous to pregnancy sleep deprivation, or insomnia.

Feeling relaxed with a cup before bed is beneficial for your body to get the exact track sooner, letting you nod off quicker. Talk with your doctor about which herbal teas are good during pregnancy before utilizing them.

Prescribed Medications

Preferably, all prescriptions (counting over-the-counter meds) ought to be avoided during pregnancy. A few medications can hurt the growing child. There are a few medicines that are viewed as safe to take during pregnancy and they could help you with sleeping problems. Always take a proper consultation with your doctor before taking any sorts of medications. This incorporates over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, and herbs also.

Use Comfortable Pillows

Extra pillows can be utilized to help both the stomach and back. A pillow in between the legs can help uphold the lower back and make resting on your side relaxing. Some particular sorts of pillows incorporate the wedge-molded and the full-length body pillow.

Benefits of pregnancy? All of the expecting women who are frustrated with the prevalent symptoms may found it too funny or something that noises uncertain. Well, yes there could be some incredible benefits of pregnancy as well. You never know about the incredible benefits of breathing during pregnancy.

You may be breathing without being aware of it. Although, during pregnancy, the act of breathing helps to spend the backbreaking labor hours and all nine months go smoothly. Most of the women don’t know how to breathe correctly.

Focus on your body, you will notice that you are taking the simplistic breath. But in pregnancy m, women are recommended to take deep breaths. In the beginning, it seems too difficult, but a little practice will make you perfect very soon.

Effective Breathing Exercises

There are many easy breathing exercises you can do while you are expecting, you might found them easy, but when your belly grows you identify how much it could be difficult to breathe. All you can do is, start to practice from now and make yourself feasible with these breathing exercises. Here are some that you can try.

Counting Breaths

When you start to count your breath, it makes your body, and mind feels so comfortable, and relaxed. This is the easiest type of breathing exercise that you can try on. Just lay down on your back, put your hands on the belly, take a deep breath with the count of five, hold it in the count of eight, and release your breath on the count of nine. By doing so, you will feel so relaxed.

Ujjayi Breathing

With all the breathing exercises you might be practicing, certain yogic exercises could help you, and one of them is ujjayi breathing. This exercise maximizes the energy level of the body. As you breathe throw your nose in and out, keep your mouth shut, as the breath is inside you, it will make a buzzing noise, and when you breathe out, it compresses the throat, and there is a sound produced like the ocean.

Abdominal Breathing

Whether you are doing yoga or adding other exercises in your routine during pregnancy when it comes to abdominal breathing it creates a foundation of the workout routine. This type of exercise helps in expanding the lungs and make them able to breathe in more air. Moreover, it robust the muscles of the abdomen.

Roll Breathing

If you want to soothe your aching muscles that usually occurs at the time of pregnancy, simply try the roll breathing exercise. It contracts the lungs to their maximum capacity, which allows them to breathe in more air. Moreover, it tunes your breathing rhythm.

These exercises provide more oxygen to the fetus, relieve stress, anxiety, joints, and muscle pain, help manage the contraction at the time of labor, and make childbirth easy. Practicing these exercises will make your whole pregnancy period smooth and keep you active all the time. Moreover, you will forget about your nausea, morning sickness, fatigue, and dizziness.

The increased levels of testosterone hormones and low progesterone are associated with the lack of normal ovulation. It results in extra facial hair, an increase in weight to double in most cases, and the absence of periods. These characteristics are enough to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

Many of the women wanted to get pregnant again, but when they are diagnosed with PCOS, they just left with a question about how to control the health condition. And when you begin with it, you find out many questions that are already marked. Here are some details about PCOS and how it affects your cycle and potential pregnancies.

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

It is a hormonal disorder that usually affects about 5 to 10 percent of women between the ages of 15 to 44. The causes are not confirmed yet, however, it is the reproductive hormonal imbalance and insulin confrontation. Your body makes insulin, but it becomes unable to use it properly. This results in inflammation and an increase in the levels of hormones such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and testosterone in the body.

This imbalance results in irregular menstrual cycles and the nonappearance of ovulation. Your body needs to be ovulated to yield progesterone, and PCOS affects the levels.

Check your Weight to Conceive

When you pay attention to your diet and exercise, you can manage the diagnosis of PCOS, and it helps you to conceive. It has been observed that, when you lose 5% of weight, you are at the border to get your menstruation cycle back. The causes are not confirmed by the health professionals yet. But when you cut off a small amount of weight, the fat tissues begin to create its estrogen, which adjusts the amount of progesterone and estrogen that supports ovulation.

Healthy Foods can normalize your Cycle

It is suggested to regulate the hormones and lessen inflammation, which stands prominent in fertility. Eating whole-grain foods that are not rich in insulin and glucose are seems effective. Beans, whole-grains, vegetables, lentils, and fruits, balanced with fat and protein at snacks and meals are good, to begin with. Experts recommend a balanced plate diet that contains a small amount of fat, half vegetables, a quarter protein, and a quarter high-fiber carbs such as beans, brown rice, and quinoa.

Moreover, unsaturated fats like omega-3 fats present in nuts, avocado, seed, and fish are recommended, as they could improve fertility and reduce androgens. Always try to minimize the intake of food that are high in sugar and lack fiber.

Pregnancy with PCOS Could Come with Complications

When you are pregnant, discuss the complications related to PCOS. As some of the studies have found, pregnancy with PCOS sometimes has a risk of miscarriages. The cause is still unknown, but the imbalanced progesterone levels and insulin confrontation could be the reason. Women with PCOS pregnancy are more likely to develop high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and premature birth. However, it is suggested to women to have the diagnosis if they found an increase in weight. Discuss it with the doctor when you have a PCOS pregnancy so that your doctor can keep an eye on every detail and d extra monitoring to ensure a safe pregnancy.

The shocks and joys are associated with an unplanned pregnancy. Maybe your husband wants another baby, or you don’t know that you can get pregnant. When you are unexpectedly expecting

Well, you cannot say that all of the pregnancy is unexpected and unwanted, they are a surprise. However, they seem to experience various emotions, such as excitement, anger, fear, embarrassment, panic, resentment, and disbelief.

Our women are usually told that pregnancy is about joy and excitement. But in reality, it is related to the emotional state, and those emotions experienced by the women are not always pretty.

You might have negative conflicts when you unexpectedly got pregnant, however, this would not make you a bad mother or effects your motherhood. Don’t think that your emotions could hurt your baby or affect the parenting stuff. This is an uncommon thing in women to feel the bond with their baby as they are expecting unexpectedly, positive things happen after birth.

It is Normal to have Negative Thoughts

It is not associated with the unintended expecting moms to have conflicting thoughts, although it is normal for all the women who are pregnant to have mixed feelings. Women are usually experiencing some sort of negative emotions during pregnancy that they are feeling afraid of sharing.

Usually, when they are having fatigue, dizziness, nausea and morning sickness, and all the other pregnancy symptoms they start thinking ‘I hate being pregnant.’ Some of the women either have anxiety or stay worried about raising their child and they are always obsessive about being a good mother or not!

Things go well with time, when you see yourself being surrounded by the fusses and you see you are paying zero attention to your life, it irritates you like anything. So instead of being too anxious and worried about the changes wait and see how the anxiety level drops!

Seek Support

No one could better understand you more than your husband. Well, when you are going through an unplanned pregnancy, you require some space, time, and a network of people you believe to cope with your anxiety and emotions.

It is important to work on your emotions to control unwanted depression and negativity. Talk with the couples who have also experienced the unintended pregnancy, and find ways to get out of the stress and tough time.

You may find it difficult to put words together and tell your partner what you are thinking and feeling, while the signals they give to support you are enough to get rid of all of the blues you are battling with. Make commitments with your partner about parenthood and share whatever you feel.

Three Things you should not panic about

Panic attacks are often common about the three major things such as money, housing, and no personal life. You can never step back to it, however, the only solution is to face it. Well, your baby is coming with the joys that no longer make you feel destructive, although money comes and goes, the future is all yours, and with the time you lea learn to manage housing chores.

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes in health that sometimes resonate with the lifestyle of a woman. A dry cough is one of those conditions that women experience. It becomes more irritable and uncomfortable when it obstructs routine tasks. You may already try some remedies to control it that you generally do before pregnancy, but those might be temporary or could not be as effective as they are expected to be. If your cough is not getting better, you need to consult with your doctor as there must be a need for certain treatments and medications.

When you are an expecting mom and continuously combating the dry cough, sometimes you may become panic and come up with no ways to relax. But, when you get to know about the reasons and severities or effects, you will find nothing to get worried about having a dry cough.

What is Dry Cough?

A dry cough is commonly known as a non-productive cough in which there is no production of mucus. With time it becomes irritating, and it is mainly connected with scratching the throat. It is caused by some infections or allergies, the presence of the microbes and irritants in the air passage caused the dry cough.

The Major Causes of Dry Cough

There are some common causes of dry cough during pregnancy, for your information, some are mentioned below;

  • Low immunity prone to the women to catch irritants and infections as the immune system is weak during pregnancy.
  • Viral infections like cold and flu could cause dry cough.
  • Exposure to some of the air pollutants like smoke, tobacco, smog, or irritant gas when infuriating the throat can lead to a dry cough.
  • Most of the women are prone to allergens when they got any allergies it causes discomfort in the air passage and brings out a dry cough.
  • If you have asthma before pregnancy, you might go through breathing problems and a dry cough.
  • A dry cough could be a reason for heartburn. When the acidic content reaches the respiratory tract, it causes inflammation in the respiratory tract lining.
  • Hay fever is known as the condition in which people experience inflammation in the mucus membrane in the nose, which is the reason for hypersensitivity. The increase may worsen the condition and lead to a dry cough.

Effective Ways to Prevent Dry Cough

Dry cough discomforts you and makes you feel tired all the time. However, there are some effective ways by which you can overcome the increase in dry cough.

  • Keep yourself away from the polluted air.
  • If you are prone to allergies, try to avoid contact with allergens such as fur, grass, or tree pollens.
  • Place a humidifier near you to reduce nasal congestion.
  • Support your head with at least two pillows to make breathing easy.
  • Sit upside down and reduce the risks of acid reflux by improving the frequency of your meal.
  • Always find ways to boost up the resistance of your body. Take the meals that improve your immunity.

Normally when you have some sort of cold, it becomes very exasperating sometimes to handle when you are surrounded by a lot of chores. However, when you are an expecting mom, the minor cold makes you feel like you don’t have the strength left to deal with it. As we all might know, a cold is an upper respiratory tract infection, and it is hard to handle upper respiratory tract infection when you are pregnant.

There are a lot of viruses that are known to cause many cases of upper respiratory tract infections. However, there is a thing that should not forget that viruses never respond to any sort of medications such as antibiotics. That’s why is said to leave the viruses to run their course. You might always be looking for effective ways to deal with it, here is how you can handle it while expecting.

Treating the Upper Respiratory Tract Infection during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women have a weakened immune system, which makes the viruses and simple illnesses last for long. In this case, women are always recommended to practice the ways that make them more comfortable. There are some common things you can do to handle the common flu and cold.

Control the Common Fever

If you are having a common fever, try to maintain it to below 100.4 degrees F. if you got a high fever it could lead to birth-related defects and affect the unborn baby, such as functional and behavioral problems and neural tube defects. Some ways help manage your fever such as;

  • Take bath in lukewarm water
  • Wear loose clothes that allow the heat to imitate your body.
  • Consult with the doctor about the common fever medications.

Take Rest

Usually expecting moms experience lethargic feelings, which could be due to the on-going symptoms of pregnancy. But the upper respiratory tract infections make them weaker. Hence, it is important to take rest as much as you can.

Push the Congestion Away!

Congestion is another cause of acute distress while you are having a cold. Always try some effective ways to get rid of nasal congestion. You can use a humidifier in your room that helps you get relief. Moreover, you can take steam by using saline water in the pot for some relief.

Stay Hydrated!

During pregnancy, women are already strictly recommended to take enough amount of water. However, when you are dehydrated you are more likely to have a dry cough. It is very easy to get dehydrated during the cold, so always try to take some fluids. Moreover, dehydration can also lead to some complications in childbirth and could lead to premature labor.

Get Rid of Cough!

Continuous cough in pregnant women could lead to discomfort that bothers you a lot while you are sleeping. Try the home remedies if you have a common cough, take ginger tea, honey, basil leaf, etc. to treat it. Before using any medicine, consult with your doctor first!

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes that are unexpected most of the time. Pregnant women are known to have a natural glow since they are expecting. As you go further, you may observe some of the major changes in your beauty more than a rosy complexion, good and bad both. You perhaps begin to notice there is an increase in blood flow and change in hormones that are liable for the noticeable beauty changes.

Well, when you are in the pregnancy boat, most of you are already prepared to face major weight gain, which simply means a big change in the body shape. But, many of you are not still aware of the other changes that you may experience. Here you can read what you could expect from the body changes you may come across.

Shiny and Thicker Hair

Have you noticed your braids are getting thicker and glossy? You are not in the imaginations only! The pregnancy hormones play a significant part in controlling hair loss, which means you would have thicker hair. Along with that a healthy diet and parental vitamins are other reasons for having shinier and thicker hair. Well, that is not permanent. After delivery, women report extra hair fall, unfortunately, it is temporary.

Hairy Body

Well, when you are getting happy to see thicker hair on your head, the hairy body might be upsetting you on the other hand. It would be worrying for you when you notice the hair sprouting on your body. During pregnancy, the hormones are responsible for the sumptuous locks, which lead to hair growth in some areas like the nipple, abdomen, and back. However, the good news is your body will get to normal after 6 weeks of postpartum.

Stretch Marks

It is normal for the mommies-to-be to get worried about the stretch marks when they see their belly growing so fast. It is normal to have marks on the areas that are stretching and gaining weight such as breasts, belly, and thighs. Our skins have a tendency of a certain degree for stretching, when your body reaches that certain point, the skin fibers tears and leave scars. This resulting red or sometimes purple marks on certain areas.


Most of the women are blessed to have blemish glowing skin throughout the pregnancy, however, others might be combating the outbreaks of acne. It could be due to certain products that are recommended to prohibit during pregnancy, however, it is important to consult with the doctor about your acne issues. Moreover, read the labels carefully before buying any product.


These are the brown splotches that are hormone-induced and usually known as the mask of pregnancy. They appear on the cheeks, forehead, and chin. Sun exposure can intensify this condition, thereby expecting women are said to maintain a safe detachment to the sun and use sunscreen whenever they are going out. You can sweep a bronzer over the lighter areas of your skin that suit your skin tone to cover-up the splotches.

With all the symptoms making you stressed, pregnancy brings different health changes that you may also don’t know about. Well, you are just surrounded by the worries of having stretch marks and continuous back pain. But you never know there might be some surprising health benefits of pregnancy.

When you are combating with the various exacerbations leg cramps, fatigue, heartburn, and morning sickness, naming just a few discomforts from many; these are the outbreak expecting women come across. Sometimes all these pregnancy facts are unpleasant but conclude with a happy ending. Well, be certain of it or not, but your newborn is not the only good thing that happened to you, but there are some positive effects on your well-being as well.

Some of the health benefits are revealed during pregnancy, however, some appear after pregnancy. Moreover, there are benefits of breastfeeding and childbirth as well.

Forget those Painful Menstrual Cramps!

After childbirth, you will get your periods back. However, the bad part is there might be some painful sudden cramps that bother you in a few interludes. In most of the women, it has been observed that after childbirth there is no menstrual pain. The reason is still uncovered, but the decrease in the pain is a confirmed wonder.

The prominent reason for the reduction in menstrual cramps is the hormones known as prostaglandin receptors that are directly associated with the uterus, which is involved in contraction during the delivery and plays a part in monthly menstrual pain.

Heightened Senses

It usually happens with almost every single woman that they experience enhanced taste perception, which is because of the increase in the senses. This happens with the nose and smell, worsening the morning sickness in early pregnancy, and later on, make the taste of food more delicious.

Healthy Routine Become a Habit

Pregnancy makes the women practice good habits, they perhaps adapt all kinds of positive health changes and eliminates all the bad habits. The habit of exercise and the walk in the fresh air seems to be in practice even after childbirth. If women have some sort of disease, with time they learn to cope up with those problems. The habit of maintaining a healthier lifestyle remains unaffected.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Studies have found that pregnancy reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer. The more you have a pregnancy at a younger age, the more pregnancy will be effective. Moreover, researchers have also found that breastfeeding for more than three months reduces the chances of having some other kinds of cancers.

Rise in Self-Confidence

Pregnancy is found to be a unique factor that works prominently in building up confidence. The women who are at low-risk pregnancy tend to be more active even they are having additional body stress. Childbirth helps women revealing a new sense of strength when they go through the labor and delivery process. They found themselves more capable of bearing stress, it uncovers a big picture of womanhood and self-confidence. When a woman becomes a mother, they are more confident, strengthened, and hardly sweat on minor details, and the same goes for the big problems.

It is a really tough time indeed, when you are suffering from unusual health changes the signs are enough to predict whether you are pregnant or not. Ultrasound and test are not the only way to investigate pregnancy, the symptoms are to look down for. There are other more symptoms apart from missed periods that give a signal to early pregnancy. Sensitivity, morning sickness, cramps, fatigue, diarrhea, and dizziness are some of the common symptoms.

The symptoms begin from the date of your last period, it might sound awkward but that’s true and it happens. Even if you are not pregnant, the last period date is said to be the first week of pregnancy. The date of delivery is calculated by the last period’s first date. Here are the early symptoms and ways to handle those signs.

Missed Periods in Early Pregnancy

The body starts to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as soon as the implantation completes. This hormone is responsible for maintaining the body for pregnancy, also it tells the ovaries to prohibit the release of the mature eggs every month.

After conception you will miss your period the next month, it is important to confirm with the pregnancy test if you have any irregular period patterns.

How to handle: If your pregnancy test comes positive, consult with the doctor, and discuss all the history such as medical problems you have or taking medicines.


Fatigue is a really common symptom that could occur anytime during pregnancy but it has been normally noticed in the early stages. It is due to the progesterone levels that make a person feel sleepy.

How to Handle: Take more sleep as you probably feel exhausted. In the early stages having a high temperature is common, try to keep the room temperature cool.

Frequent Toilet Visits

The body starts to pump more blood than usual, which makes the kidneys to make more fluid leading to more fluid in the bladder. This makes you run to the toilet more frequently.

How to Handle: Take more fluid each day, around 300 ml as recommended by the health experts. Set your trips to the washroom to reduce incontinence.

Vomiting, Morning Sickness, and Nausea

During 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy, usually women experience nausea and morning sickness. It could happen at night and day both times. There is no evidence or reasons for the causes, however, there is a huge involvement of hormones. Usually, there is mild to severe nausea and morning sickness during the first trimester, however, it gets more intense during the end of the first trimester and become mild in the second trimester.

How to handle: Keep yourself hydrated. Put saltine crackers near your bed, eat some after waking up on your bed in the morning, it helps control morning sickness. If still nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness doesn’t stop, concern with your doctor right away!

During pregnancy, women become so conscious about very little things and at some instinct, it is good to be careful. Another significant thing that women should consider is caffeine intake. When you are addicted to caffeine now during pregnancy you need to be specific and find out its benefits and harmful effects.

Caffeine is a highly consumed natural stimulant that is majorly present in teas, coffee, and some energy drinks. The purpose of caffeine is to keep a person mindful and alert. Moreover, it helps keep a person awake and prevent sleep. Caffeine is said to be the best ingredient which works best on energy level and migraine. There are some positive effects of caffeine as well and some negative effects. But, the consumption of caffeine during pregnancy comes up with potential risks that are not known to some women.

It is a normal thing that people wake up with a morning tea or coffee, there is nothing to get amazed or shock it is pretty normal. Soda and chocolates also contain some amount of caffeine. But, it would not be easy for you to quit caffeine throughout the pregnancy duration. It is necessary to be mindful of the amount you are consuming. The best thing is, discuss it with your gynecologist about the right amount.

Can Caffeine Affect the Baby?

The possible effect of caffeine on an infant is still a little unclear. Some of the studies have shown that caffeine can transfer into the placenta whereas other researches on pregnancy and caffeine have declared that high consumption of caffeine has a significant effect on pregnancy that leads to pregnancy loss as well. For these reasons, doctors usually recommend taking 200mg or less not more than that.

How Caffeine Effect Pregnant Women

You might not come up with any specific effect of caffeine at all, but there are possibilities that you may perform differently while you are pregnant. There are chances you poop a lot when you drink caffeine and you observe yourself running to the washroom too frequently. This makes you think not to drink caffeine until your baby arrives.

Taking too much caffeine can worsen the heartbeat when you observe you are putting down 3 cups of caffeine almost daily. Moreover, shakes and jitters and loss of taste is also noticed due to increase amount during pregnancy. There are chances that if you take caffeine in an excessive amount it can impact the body’s compatibility to absorb iron, which may cause anemia or iron deficiency. Women who already have iron deficiency are recommended to cut off caffeine throughout the pregnancy.

Does caffeine have some benefits during pregnancy?

If you are taking recommended amounts of caffeine in a day, it would be said to perk you up from the distresses, like spending the night tossing and turning. Few amounts of caffeine would help you stay alert, help with tiredness and dizziness, and increases energy levels. There are no specific health benefits of consuming caffeine during pregnancy.