Parents are already getting worried about how they could develop the habit of eating vegetables and other nutritious food in their children. You are already in deep thoughts and not coming up with any solid solution. We never know, the food they are eating, which we called junk food, including all those burgers, pizzas, pasta, noodles, etc. can make the children dislike vegetables and fruits. This all junk food contributes to obesity as all the parents know.

But, a question, restricting the children from fast food is right or wrong? Parents put all of their efforts into keeping their children away from candies, chocolates, and other junk food. However, some of the researches have proven that allowing your children to eat junk would not affect them more than restricting them.

For some parents, this might sound like, this article is all about making the child addicted to eating junk food. Although this is not the purpose, the main goal is to clear the minds of parents who limit their children.

Researches have specified that there is around 17 percent of adults and children are obese. Most parents understand that they have to teach their children to eat healthy in order to avoid high blood pressure, diabetes, and other heart-related problems. Due to these reasons, parents restrict the child from taking chocolates, soda, cakes, and candies. Well, controlling the poor eating habits in children is beneficial to prohibit future health problems.

Restrictions are good for children at times when it comes to their health. However, researchers have also revealed that when you restrict your child from poor diet and you try everything to prevent your child from overeating by saying ‘this is enough for today’ or ‘no cartoons if you do not stop eating that’, when it’s about eating, restriction increases the desire of the food that is forbidden.

The Words Parents use for that Food Give Power to it!

Controlling the eating habits and particular food restrictions in childhood increases the risk of binge eating later on in life. Parents used to call this food treats, sweets, or bad food, parents never know, they are giving the special powers to that food. This sort of naming increases the desire of the children to eat more bad food, parents name it!

Instead of restricting junk food with bad names, let your child make the decision. Remind them they have the power to listen to their desire and pick the best wisely. Use some tricks that work or limit the candies, cookies, chocolates, or other sweets by saying this will be available the other day.

Make your Child Mindful about Eating

Filling the pantry half with candies, cookies, sweets, and chocolates is not a bad idea. There must be a balance between desire and satisfaction. It should not be like that, your child keeps staring at the treat section and desires, nor, you allow them to eat all.

When your child knows he/she will get the sweets in a limited quantity, they will never desire more. But when you completely restrict them, they will start doing binge eating later in life. When your child knows the limitations, this develops mindful eating habits in your child. When you set the boundaries, it will be good for both you and your child.

Depression is considered a common mental health disorder affecting around 16 million adults in the US. However, parental depression has been increasing as bundles of studies are being conducted, and each research comes up with increased statistics. It has been observed that parental depression is not only affecting parents, but it has a significant impact on children as well. There are higher risk factors in the overall life of children whose parents are struggling with parental depression.

This depression is common in parents under the age of 18 years. Parental depression is found in both mother and father, and around 15.6 million children are living with depressed parents. This type of depression begins in the mother usually during maternity.

Moreover, parental depression remains untreated in both parents, it could disturb the health and development of children, according to the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. Most of the time both mother and father do not know about parental depression, there are few things that both parents should know.

Harmful Effects on Children

There could be harmful effects on children like behavior problems, mental and physical illness, difficulty in controlling stress, learning problems in academic life, and difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships.

Improve Resilience in Children

Studies have also revealed that the two-generation intervention affects parental depression, which more probably improves the ability of understanding and resilience in children. With time, the children of depressed parents become aware and understand their parents are going through some illness which is not their fault.

Undetermined Parental Depression Affects Parenting 

There is a significant connection between parental depression and the development of children. The mental health of parents affects the cognitive behavior of their children. These parents are unable to engage themselves in everyday doings, have mood swings, and difficulty in thinking and decision making. Parents who do not have parental depression are more likely to be involved in negative parenting behaviors.

Treatment could be Effective for both Parents and Children

There are effective treatments for parenting depression, even if it gets worse. The treatment includes both psychotherapy, mind-body practices, and medication. Studies have proven that treatments have positive impacts on both parents and children.

What are the Common Symptoms of Parenting Depression?

The symptoms that are usually observed in parents is low energy levels, sleeping problems, mood changes, and low appetite. In more severe cases, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, and poor energy has been reported. The risk factors increase if the problem remains untreated and undetermined. The signs of parental depression include;

  • Depressed parents neglect their children most of the time and show inappropriate parenting behaviors. They are less engaged with their children and pay no attention to their words.
  • Depressed parents are less likely to respond effectively to their children. They lack responsiveness even do not answer to their cries and gestures.
  • The children of depressed parents are usually got late for school or miss most of the time. As parents wake up late with low energy and do not have management skills.

Self-esteem is the psychological term that is associated with the overall perception of a person about itself, it determines the self-worth and personal value. Basically, in simple words, self-esteem is how much you like and appreciate yourself. This involves a wide variety of believes, behaviors, and emotions of oneself. Low esteem and lack of confidence are two common instincts in kids. Children with low self-esteem do not consider themselves as good as other children are. At times it becomes difficult for them to succeed in academic levels as they lack confidence.

Children with a lack of self-esteem always have negative thoughts about themselves. They are more likely to feel bad, stupid, ugly, and unlikeable. They find it hard to maintain relationships and start friendships. They victimize themselves and always feel lonely. Moreover, it is hard for them to accept the change and avoid unfavorable things.

How Low Self-esteem Take Place due to Parenting Mistakes?

Usually, behind low self-esteem in children, there are flaws from the parent’s side. The negative comments of parents usually create low self-esteem in children. It reduces the willingness to try new things and causes mood changes. There are few mistakes that usually parents do which destroys the self-esteem of their children.

Punishing them rather than Educating

Parents should teach their children that certain actions could have some serious outcomes. There is a big difference between punishing the child and educating them about good and bad. Kids who are educated about mistakes think ‘I might have made a mistake’ and the kids who are punished think ‘I am not a good person’.

It’s the parent’s choice, rather they educate or punish their child. The discipline and behaviors you teach them to build confidence and make them smart. However, punishment makes them feel that they can never do anything good.

Expecting Perfection

The big mistake parents do is, they begin to set certain standards for their children. It becomes unacceptable for the parents if they disappoint them or unable to meet those standards. Instead, teach then making the mistakes make them learn, rather than stressing them for the disappointments.

Neglecting Irresponsibility

Well, some of the parents think that if they exert pressure or weigh some chores on them will pressurize the kids and increase their stress level. However, some house chores help them become more responsible and sensible. The duties that are age-appropriate give the opportunity to the kids to become competent and build a sense of accomplishment.

Comparing them to other Kids

The worst mistake parents usually make is they start to compare their children with other kids in their circle. This comparison could be with the siblings or with the children of their colleagues, relatives, and friends. You kid took these comparisons like they are not good. We all know kids could never become perfect with the comparisons, and two people could never be the same. These comparisons are bad ideas to satisfy the perfection parents expect from their kids.

Toddlers are enchanting little people who are more involved in touching and exploring things. The long hugs and kisses embrace our hearts with love and affection. The other times as parents you have to deal with the tantrum and aggression they throw. You love spending time with them, and the funny conversations with them meltdowns your heart. With the never-ending love, you have to handle the freak-outs and emotional drives as well.

Toddlers may show aggressive behaviors while playing with other children or siblings, such as hitting, biting, express frustration, not sharing toys with other children, and exerting independence. When these all things go out of control, what could help now? Sometimes, this breakdown the parents when they see the constant behaviors, but what you can do to control? Don’t worry these tips are parental basics!

Learn about your Toddler’s Triggers

The triggers of aggression are different every time, some kids throw tantrums when they are tired or hungry, and some toddlers become frustrated when they need the attention of their parents. Moreover, in other cases children may act out when they are in a stressful situation like moving to a new house or daycare.

It is important to pay attention to every mysterious act, try to understand the triggers, and avoid the scenarios. Be around your kid give hug and hold the hands and potentially try to control them from exerting aggression.

Keep your Child Calm and Relax

When toddlers are showing aggressive behaviors, sometimes the parents also become aggressive. When parents and kids both showing emotions, it increases aggression in both. Parents should regulate their emotional state and deal with their behavior with love and self-control. Children can only become stable when they get affection and love from their parents.

Teach them Good Behaviors

It is important to praise your children even they are not doing something extraordinary. Appreciation builds self-esteem and brings positive vibes. Parents should teach their children good social behavior, and when they act well, appreciate them by saying ‘you behave so nice today, it makes us happy when you share your toys with other children’. Children learn from their house, and when absorbing positivity from the surroundings they act positively in gatherings.

Don’t Compensation to Tantrums

If your child gets aggressive and begins to throw tantrums at the grocery store or mall asking for the favorite cereal, toy, chocolate, or anything, don’t buy anything at that time. When you compensate or reward the tantrums it becomes a habit to ask for things in that way, which is inappropriate behavior.

Discourage Aggressive Games and Plays

Toddlers are at the stage of learning, whatever they see they learn and act out accordingly. Watch out for the conducts that are including violence in the child’s game and play. If they watch aggressive cartoons or play aggressive video games they would add it to their play as well. Observe your child’s play, if your kid is hitting the doll with another she will do the same thing in reality. If you notice violence, teach them nicely, ‘it is not good that one friend hit the other’.

Teenage accounts for the years between 13-19 years in human life. These years are a transition from childhood into adulthood, and it marks a number of changes in the body and mind.

The transition can be really challenging for the growing kids in the terms of social acceptance and self-image. The inability to cope up can result in self-harm and in extreme cases, suicide as well.

In this article, we will discuss some of the social issues teenagers face such as:

  • Bullying: bullying is the repetitive words or actions that are inflicted upon someone to let them down. Bullying is a very common problem faced by teenagers these days.

Peers, seniors or even siblings sometimes can bully a child to make him/her guilty of a personality trait.

Making fun of something that is not under the control of a person comes under bullying and it can cause severe harm to the mental state of that person.

Teenagers who face bullying tend to shrink in their space and generally lose self-confidence.

They feel guilt of not being good enough.

  • Body shaming: Body shaming is the acceptance of society towards any body type. It is not necessary that people mock someone over being obese only. Although fat shaming is more prevalent generally, skinny shaming is also something teenagers face all the time. Body shaming not only includes shaming someone over the body type,but also on their personal appearance or complexion and even hair color. It usually comes from the mindset that adopts a certain set of beauty standards.
  • Peer pressure: Peer pressure is the constant social demand to match certain standards. Teenagers are vulnerable to peer pressure due to their lack of experience and exposure. They can easily get influenced by their environment where they meet their friends and class fellows.

There’s always a need for competition to become better or to set unrealistic expectations of the world because someone in the circle is asking a teenager for it.

The teenage years are generally more influenced by peer pressure because the parents or teachers aren’t providing the support, a teenager demands.

  • Addiction: Substance abuse can be a part and parcel of teenage. The world is a wonderland in those vile years. The hormonal changes may demand addiction to porn, to get into drugs or any other harmful activity due to the lack of supervision from the parental side or peer pressure may kick in an urge to get into harmful activities. It is important for the guardians to keep a check on a teenager’s activities to prevent them from harm.
  • Depression: All the above social problems can eventually lead to depression where a teenager cannot express what he/she feels.

Most of the teenagers get into love bonds that do not end up into what they have believed them to be. The outcome can be disastrous if there’s no proper support.

Studies are another aspect for a teenager to get depressed. The social pressure of performing a certain way in studies can lead many teenage students to mount into depression. Timely intervention of an elder, experienced person can save a lot of damage in this case.

Winter is although a very exciting time for children. They get a multi-week break from school, they usually get involved in outdoor activities. They run around and play in the cold weather, which can also cause flu, fever, cough, and normal cold conditions. For parents, winter is a flu season, as it is normal, the cold breeze and snow is already dangerous for them. When the holidays started, parents are recommended to follow some precautionary measures that will surely keep their children healthy and safe in the fun-filled winter break for which your kids may wait for the whole year. 

Health Tips for Common Medical Conditions in winter

Chronic Coughing

It is common in children to have cough in the winter season, as we all know winter is a flu season. This chronic cough once starts at the beginning of winter lasts till the winter ends, so if your child is an asthma patient get immediate help from your pediatrician. Normally this cough can be controlled by cough syrups and home remedies.


Nose bleeding in children is normally caused by dry air. Using the nasal gel or saline daily will keep your children’s nose moisturized and prevents nosebleed. Moreover, children can also have nosebleeds if they have allergies, colds, or sinus infection. 

Dry Skin

Itchy dry skin is common in children. The dry air outside and inside due to the lack of humidity in the air makes the atmosphere dry. Particularly, children have the problem of dryness in their hands, which gets more problematic when the hands are washed frequently. After the bath, moisturize the hands, feet, and face of your children, and use a good moisturizer for eczema after that. Apply the moisturizer after every 30 minutes a day whenever your children feel dryness. 


During the winter season, the cold and cough trigger asthma, as there is a massive change in the weather. At this time, you need to restock your asthma medicines and have an asthma management plan in terms of diet and medicines to prevent the severities. 

General Health Tips

These tips are important for your children if you want to keep your child away from severe health problems. 

  • Choose an area to play for your child, which is away from the water and a little warm.
  • Prohibit your child from eating snow.
  • Make your children aware of the skating precautions signs, let them skate in public areas. 
  • Your children should be dressed up in different layers of warm clothing. 
  • Keep their ears, hands, and feet covered every time they leave the home.
  • Avoid your children from interacting with the kids already having cough, fever, or flu. 
  • Teach your children sneezing and coughing etiquette and hand washing techniques.
  • Try not to send your children to play outside alone. 
  • Instruct your children to take several breaks for rehydration and some healthy snacks. 
  • Children usually get sunburnt when they play outside, so when they are leaving home never forget to apply the sunscreen to their face. 

Mothers are so obsessed with the diet of their school-going kid, and they are always struggling to feed them healthy. Well, moms are already occupied with planning good eating habits outdoors as well. This generation is so fanatical about junk food, which always causes combat between mothers and children. The major pros of eating junk are obesity, which is alarming for the mommies. Obesity is not something very common or oblivious thing. However, neglecting this health condition can lead to various severe diseases. 

Pediatricians always recommend parents to make a healthy diet plan for their kids, not for home but lunch as well. If your kid has a problem with obesity, follow the below tips, and make their lunch exciting and healthy meanwhile. 

Add Fruits and Vegetable in Half of the Plate

Add two cups of fruits and one and a half to three cups of vegetables daily. It has been recommended that, for elementary students, half a cup of fruits is important in the lunch meal and for the teens more than 1 cup. From the start, built a habit of eating fruits and vegetables in the meal, so they will never refuse them to eat in the school as well. 

Avoid Sodium

Excessive sodium intake is common in children and adults in most countries. According to the recent school nutrition, sodium should be reduced from the school meals gradually, so by 2022 students will not take sodium more than the recommended amount from school lunches. Sodium is highly associated with obesity as it decreases energy intake, and causes metabolic disorders. Exclude sodium from the meal, use salt for taste only. 

Give Vegetables of Several Colors

Add vegetables of a range of colors in the meal, like orange, yellow, purple, green, etc. to get a range of different nutrients. Over the weeks, moms should add color variety in the lunch box, this would make lunch fun and give a health-full meal to the kids as well. 

Whole Grains

The best way to add minerals, fiber, and vitamin D is by giving whole grains to your kids. Whole grains make the kids feel full and keep them concentrated. The blend of whole grains in the lunch box implies your kid will stay energize for the whole day and perform well in school. 

Parent’s Role

There are several schools that are serving school meals. Those lunch meals are prepared following the recommendations of national nutrition standards. However, when it comes to menus and taking a decision about the snack programs, here comes the part of parents. With the school staff, parents should stay involved in deciding and monitoring whether the food is healthy or not, fresh or not, and properly following the standards or not. 

Moreover, if the school doesn’t offer lunch meals, moms should pack the home-made lunch with their children. The immediate healthy changes in the diet of your children will lead to more improved health and reduce the chances of obesity.  

Autism Spectrum is a disorder that is related to brain development. This brain disorder refers to how a child perceives and responds. In children, it directly affects the nervous system, which disturbs growth and development. Children with this disorder seem to have their world, they have problems with communicating and interacting with others. Autism majorly relates to socializing and lack of social awareness. 

This disorder shows repetitive patterns of behavior. The symptoms show up in the first 3 years of life. It has a wide range of symptoms that begin to appear in the early stages of childhood. The child with ASD follows the normal routine and behaves normally, but the major problem is interaction. These children are observed with having issues with eye contact and never start speaking with people. They are unable to understand facial expressions and have problems in developing social skills. The below problems are also found in children with ASD.

  • They do not like to play with other children.
  • Stuck to a specific routine and never want to change it.
  • Wanted to sit alone and play alone.
  • Never want to develop social skills.

Risk Factors 

This disorder is found in boys more than girls. If the disorder is diagnosed in the children early, it should be treated before the symptoms worsen. Treating the symptoms is important to improve the quality of life and to make the children’s future secure. The symptoms are usually observed by comparing the behaviors with the other children. Moreover, if the parents concern with the health specialist they diagnose the disorder by talking with the child.

The symptoms of autism are sometimes related to other developmental disorders. Some genetic disorders are also related to autism for example;

  • Tuberous sclerosis
  • Fragile-X
  • Phenylketonuria
  • Chromosomes problems
  • Neurofibromatosis

In case of these gene disorders, parents are recommended to concern for gene testing to find out what problem the child has. If the child is found with any genetic issue, they probably have the autism spectrum disorder.

If your infant is not developing normally, the parents are suggested to test their child by observing them from cognitive, social skills, and language. If your child

  • Doesn’t smile or give a happy expression in 6 months.
  • In 9 months, not giving any facial expression.
  • Not responding to his/her name in 12 months.
  • Not asking or pointing to objects of interest in 14 months.
  • Doesn’t say any word in 16 months.
  • Doesn’t play a pretending game in 18 months.
  • Getting upset and having mood changes all of a sudden on little things.

How to Overcome?

It is the responsibility of only parents to control autism in their child. It could be sometimes frustrating and time-consuming to understand what your child wants. However, only parents can pay attention to physical and emotional health.

  • Learn about the autism spectrum disorder as much as you can.
  • Exchange your thoughts and connect with the parents of the children having autism.
  • Take out time for your children.
  • Take professional advice.
  • Make a good routine for your children.

The bond between a mother and her child is unbreakable. At the early ages, all a kid need is the attention of his/her mother for the whole time. The brains of children are so sensitive, they can feel little things in a moment, and their emotional behavior is already very unpredictable. The early age like 1-10 years is considered as the age of development, where children understand and react towards little things.

At these stages, the absence of their mother triggers. Few children do not have such impulsive behaviors; they are understandable and manages on their own. However, as we are not known with the fact that, working mothers have bad effects on their children. During infancy, it is hard for the kid to live without his/her mother; the mother breastfeed, and a god gifted foundation who keep the child alive. Giving time to the child and stay attached for the whole day by doing the baby chores is the instinct, and women who are going against the instincts experience a notable change in their child.

In the absence of a mother, of course, they are in the hands of a nanny or grandparents, or other family members available at home. Do you think anyone other than the mother can take care of the child properly? I guess, no. There is a big ratio of women who are working mothers, and maternal employment has long-term effects on the educational and psychological development of their children.

The good income the working women bringing home while returning to work might be attractive. However, it never compensates for the negative impacts of reduced contact with children. As per the International studies, working mothers got large scale appraisals. These appraisals are attractive for mothers to continue working.

In the early ages, mostly children are dropped to daycares. However, the poor quality of daycare services affects the kid’s social and emotional development.

It is quite hard for moms to manage work with household chores altogether. Usually, moms get home with lots of frustration, which begins to cause a negative attitude. They are not aware of the fact that work is a foundation of distress and grief for the family members.

The mother’s employment can create a problem with the partner, as your partner must be concerned about the children. However, the arguments, conflicts, and weaken relationship disturbs the children as they are not seeing their parents happy together. Most of the time they are missing the presence of one.

The major problem that is observed in children is complex. This usually happens when they see the parents of their friends living together, sharing love, taking their children for outings, and picking them from school. This all-cause adverse effects on the mind of children, developing low self-esteem, insecurities, and impulsive behaviors and in severe cases damage their personality.

All in all, it is the responsibility to give equal time, love, and care to their children, if they are oppressed or burdened due to financial crises and cannot quite their jobs, they have to take possible steps to make themselves available for their kids.

A fresh start in the morning means a healthy day throughout. When the school years of your child starts, you rushed toward the mains that can keep your kid healthy and in routine. Mothers start to list down the likelihoods in the timeline and conquer it from the morning. From our childhood, we heard that waking up early in the morning and taking a healthy breakfast keeps a person active for the whole day.

Mornings sometimes could be stressful not for the children only but adults also. However, a good start is important anyway! Usually, moms are in hurry in the morning, preparing lunch, setting bags, convincing children for breakfast, and gearing up their kids as the school bus is almost there. These all chaos of streaming for school might be affecting the healthful start. Not to mention, if you are more willing to manage the tasks and a healthy routine you should decide from where to begin. Here are a few tips you can go with, which will clear your confusion.

Get things done the Night Prior

Leaving things for the next day is always forbidden. As we always suggested to complete the task the same day. When you reach home after spending the whole busy day, you are left with little or no energy to do anything. All you see is the cozy bed, and you prefer to lay down leaving the things behind.

But, this is the comfort of the night. When you wake up, and you begin to run here and there. The school bags are not done, uniforms are not pressed, and shoes are not polished.

Take a Positive Start

In the morning, we are not just adjusting ourselves, however, a positive start should be considered. It is really important to turn out the attitudes from stressing negative mood to positivity. Begin the day with a six-minute hug to your children, a hug when your children come out from their bedrooms is a simple therapy.

Six-seconds are enough to release the comforting chemicals that surely make your kid feel good. Moreover, for some exciting vibes, high-fives work wonders, and state affirmations.

Set the Rules

Rules are sometimes so frustrating for children, but making rules a fun thing will make your children enjoy following it. Setting a routine like arranging the tasks step by step and reminding them to your kids by visualizing, or some fun activity will keep them connected with the routine. Mindfulness is the major source that works like magic.

Wake up Early 

Well, some of the people experience morning sickness, and some have laziness in the morning. However, adjusting the wake-up time is a big struggle for the sleepy nerds, also, having some more time in the morning is perfect to avoid the hiccups you might expectedly experience.

Parents should wake up 10-20 minutes earlier than the kids. Figure out how much you will need to settle yourself and get yourself out of the morning sickness. Make a cup of coffee and show the cherry bright face to your kids. Having a few more minutes before school will be a lifesaver for kids and parents too.