Many parents give birth to a child who isn’t completely perfect, but there is nothing to get worried or stressed about, as you don’t know about their qualities. They are the real heroes and the fighter who are accepting the abnormalities and trying to live life to their fullest. That journey is the humbling one. The challenges alter as they grow up still, they never setback and run for ways to make things proceed smoothly.

Have you ever feel exhausted and like you are running on the hamster wheel, trying to catch something, wasting your energy but going nowhere? We all normally feel this way, especially the parents who are living with a child who was born with some deviation. Usually, when parents are not aware of the actual problem they just satisfy themselves by guessing the mild health issues. But, the different medical conditions that are associated with that particular problem, they left with disappointments or disheartened.

When they come up with the diagnoses, it seems like people are putting them inside a box. Then there the list of the symptoms of the medical problem goes on. There is no way to fix the trajectory, however, all that could be done is the traditionally limited precautions and looking for the out of the box treatments. Most of the time, there is some remarkable progress as well. But every parent learns some lessons when they are going through challenges.

Be broad enough!

When what else you are doing isn’t working, here comes the time to change the game! Usually, parents become so conscious about the health of their special kids and they remain stuck to the only doctor who is doing all the treatments from the beginning. But, it is important to be broad enough and give chance to some other experts. When parents start struggling with the symptoms they began to change their doctor and pick the one who comes up with the remarkable result. If you are not open-minded you cannot have more effective progress.

Think of your child, not the Medical Problem

Times are harder, and things are challenging, but still, the love is unconditional and equal to the other kids. It is in the hands of parents how they are giving the future. What possibilities you are practicing, how you are installing confidence, building no boundaries, and maintaining boundless joy. Mastering the milestones is a hard task, but every child is unique in their way and should be treated special.

Communicate with others and Learn from them

There is nothing to feel ashamed of when you are talking to other people, there is always a need to reinvent the wheel. Start to discuss things with the people who are also going through this all. Some people are in the same situation and are ahead of us. You should discuss with them and see what things worked for them. Learning new ways with people is an important part.

There are no Limits, Find the Answers

When you get to know about the diagnosis, you see that there are just limits, and you just tend to focus on them. Well, there is already some chronic illness that is connected to that particular medical issue, instead of being stuck with the limits, find out the ways to improve them. When you think of that, you start asking the questions that no one would be asking, and therefore they are not getting effective results. Seek the ways and attack the problems from different angles, instead of being stuck with the limits.

Are you struggling to get your baby to fall or stay asleep? Your baby takes a long time to sleep or just takes few naps? Well, you need to look at some expert advice!

This is the common problem that almost every new parent experiences. They might throw themselves into various researches, keep scrolling and end up filtering the best tips. But sometimes those tips don’t work as you believe them to be. If both parents work, they expect that their newborn will sleep with them. Well, this is the major finely tuned routine, which is more than impossible. The bedtime schedule especially of the new babies often requires some pro tips, but parents assume that babies are good sleepers.

You need to work on the snoozing skills of your kid, even if you find it so tricky. There is nothing like a bad sleeper, but bad sleeping habits exist. Well, some expert proven ways make it easy for you to make your baby fall asleep and give you time to take some rest as well!

Start with Self-Soothing

In the beginning, newborns soothe when they are being bounced, rocked, or by a lullaby. But this all didn’t last for more than 5 months, most of the babies sleep on their routine. Experts recommended putting the babies on the bed when they are sleepy in the early month. Doing this once a day helps them learn to fall asleep and soothe themselves. The first nap is said to be successful and important, and it let them sleep back on their own. It doesn’t mean you cannot pat, rock, and shush, keep the cuddle time but let them learn self-soothing.

Maintain a Routine

Routine is one of the ways by which a baby learns about sleep time from their environment. When you are planning to put your baby asleep, turn off the noise, and close the unnecessary lights before 30 minutes. The dim lights in the surroundings help the baby to set an internal clock. Keep the light low at night time and keep the lights bright at day time so that they could recognize the sleep routine. The routine should be set by six to eight weeks.

Take Care of the Naps

If the baby takes rest properly, he could sleep better when they are tired. Usually, moms think that skipping one nap in the daytime means they will sleep more at night doesn’t work. According to experts, if children get overly tired the hormone level rises. When babies finally asleep, there are chances that it would not be for so long, as the stress hormones automatically wake them up if they are at a sunlit sleep stage. Because of these reasons naps are very important.

Distinguish Eating from Sleeping

Usually, infants fall asleep when they are eating. If sleeping gets separated from eating by 4 or 5 months, the sleeping becomes better. If babies fall asleep while eating, they wake up at night time as they think they have to eat more. When your baby is going to sleep while feeding, you should manage the sleep time earlier.

Moms are recommended to move to feed earlier, until they get through it completely, make them sleepy with a story or a lullaby, and put them at bed drowsy but a little conscious. Still, there will be a need to wake up at night but just for feeding not for soothing.

Let them do the Efforts

Usually, mommies rush when they see their baby crying of sleep when to make them fall back to sleep, creates a cycle that becomes hard to break. Experts recommend that, from Day 1 when baby cries just wait for a minute and observe what they do on their own. If you see they are not doing any intrusive thing, still don’t pick them up. You can rock and feed them, but the next time they wake up begins with the slightest meddling intervention.

It’s normal to have a burden of chores when you become a mom, with all the house tasks and responsibilities you have to manage by end of the day, mommies are found with urgency, it’s like always! Having the pressures and deadlines, there is an increase in a sense of urgency in mothers. Experts have defined it as the Hurry Sickness; this behavioral change is categorized by having a persistent anxiousness and rushing, the frequent sense of urgency. So do you feel you are also experiencing the hurry sickness?

All of the moms reading this right now have the hurry sickness; and the sense of urgency, it is the force that goes throughout the day. Well, the chores demand the schedules, and it’s in your hand how you are managing everything, but being in an anxious mood all the time in a fussy routine may leave you with irritation and frustration.

When you are racing for the final destination, how you are slowing down your soul and taking some deep relaxing breaths? Things get done once you are organized and ready but have you ever thought about leading a hurry sickness-free life? Here are some tips to tackle it!

Seek Support

Sometimes it becomes hard to choose, which tasks have the most priorities and how to recognize them; turn to someone who can better help you when you are making the decisions. The group of core people such as your family, husband, or friends are the good listeners and give positive answers to your confusions. By doing this, you will realize you are not alone. This will give you space to rethink, breathe, and focus again.

Stop the Notifications

Well, the thing usually moms love to do is setting the reminders of every little thing and concerning every single text and notification that pops up. The thoughts crossed in the mind that what if I forgot this? If there is nothing that isn’t important, turn off the notification. Set a time to respond to your messages and notifications; there must be some boundaries to answer whatever is rushing to your mobile screen.

Wake up before your Family

When you want to set a routine for the whole day, waking up before children and the whole family is the significant thing. But, do not forget to maintain healthy self-care. Waking up early help you to plan the whole day; you can prioritize what tasks are important. Hurry sickness keeps you in urgency, so take time to decide the to-do-list and give time to yourself as well.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is the stigma that is surrounded by almost every mom. When you are multitasking you are giving little attention to all of the things instead of giving 100% to the thing which has high priority, doing so gives you average outcomes. Give full attention to the tasks at hand according to the priority, this is one of the best ways to avoid hurry sickness.

Once in our life, we all have already experienced nightmares, they are considered as the reflection of our subconscious mind. Nightmares are often defined as the reoccurrence of the protracted, intensely dysphoric, and well-reminisce dreams that are associated with fears of survival, physical or security integrity.

When adults are surrounded by some thoughts or they are thinking deeply, they are likely to have bad dreams. But, it might be strange for some of the people that kids could have nightmares also. According to researches, around 13.5% of pre-school-aged children experience bad dreams once a week, and the occurrence of its increase in seven 87% to nine years old 95%. For children, these nightmares could be really scary and disturb sleeps, and often troublesome in the daytime.

If your kid ever complains about having nightmares, it is important to take the details and understand the cause. Here is some information that would help you to better understand and deals with nightmares in children.

Causes of Nightmares in Children

The exact cause of nightmares is still unrevealed, however, according to the observations, kids have nightmares when they are scared or stressed due to something. When children are having recurring nightmares, they likely to outburst of temper, give poor academic performance, and become hyperactive.

Usually, nightmares in children occur when they watch horror movies or read a scary story before sleeping. Nightmares often occur if children experience something big in their life like going to a new school, shifting to a new house or when something is happening in the family.

If the nightmares are occasional they end soon and are harmless. But if the nightmares are recurring it could lead to psychopathological symptoms in kids and personal distress. The symptoms could be a difficulty with temperament and behavioral and emotional issues and an increase in anxiety levels.

Moreover, nightmares could also lead to some other factors such as economic status, sleeping problems, severe changes in lives, and the environment of the home.

How to Deal with Nightmares in Children?

If the nightmares are caused by external events, with time they are likely to diminish as the child matures. You can reduce the nightmares by following these simple steps if your doctor has confirmed that your child does not have any neurological or other psychological problem.

  • Make sure your kid is taking the sleeping hours he/she required and the consistent bedtime schedule is maintained.
  • Reduce the frequency of nightmares by upholding sleep hygiene. Such as bath before bed, dinner at least two to three hours before, and take them to the bathroom before bed.
  • Work with your child to overcome the problem and fears, let them write their fears, and throw them into the dustbin. Share the fears with your kid and ways you adopt to overcome them.
  • Reduce the daytime naps, it should not be more than an hour. When they sleep less in the daytime they will have more sleeping hours in the night.
  • Keep the sleeping environment cozy and pleasant for your child eliminate the noises and keep the room dark with a dim light just. By doing so he/she would have more protective feelings and relaxed night sleep.

The type of depression that appears in winter and fall with the lowermost daylight is known as a seasonal affective disorder. It boosts in the spring season when the sunlight returns. Most of the time parents consider it as a normal mood swing and ignore it, however, knowing the ways to recognize its signs helps to come up with the proper treatment.

Causes of Seasonal Affective Depression

The exact cause of the seasonal affective disorder is still unknown however, it might be something that occurred to neurochemicals serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is responsible for regulating the mood, and it reduces when there are some hours of daylight. Moreover, melatonin is accountable for regulating the sleeping cycle, while it enhances when daylight disappears. This fluctuation occurs is related to depression.

Experts have declared that SAD is more likely to occur in children who have a history of depression in the family. Moreover, it could also occur in the children who live in high altitudes, due to the change in the season that area tends to be riskier.

Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Depression

Apart from the sadness and depression, usually, children with seasonal affective depression seem to be irritable, tired, go through changes in school performance, lack of interest in things they like to enjoy, and difficulty in concentration. Moreover, it has also be diagnosed that, those children go through a change in eating patterns. People with SAD most of the time alter their appetite and desire for carbohydrates.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it doesn’t mean he would have SAD. It is not unusual that in winters people love to stay at home and feel tired all day. The severity is measured when your kids are showing signs that are not associated with the common winter marks. If symptoms are getting intense and remain for two weeks, or your kid is having a problem in functioning consult with the experts working on children’s depression.

Treatment of Seasonal Affective Depression

Well, there is no confirmed or proven treatment indulged by any of the health experts for SAD in children. However, it could be prevented by healthy habits. Spending time outdoors in the day time, taking enough sleep, routinely exercise and healthy eating habits could treat mild symptoms. If it became severe, children are treated with antidepressants. Moreover, cognitive behavioral therapy and other psychotherapies are also recommended that support them to learn coping strategies. Doctors usually recommend light therapy. This therapy is done by a device that impersonates natural light. It usually happens with the medical facility, but most people have small portable devices at home. This functions normally when your kid is doing their routine activities, by sitting near the box for about 20 minutes while they are reading or playing. This reduces the symptoms as the light wiles the body into being intellectual that it is taking extra daylight. It is more successful in adults and uncommon in kids. Researches are being conducted on the effectiveness of light therapy in kids.

Emotions are high in kids even they are harder to handle, it is important to control their emotions and parent’s emotions. Always look for ways to keep checking their emotions and how to correct the behaviors.

Few of the kids are super sensitive and become more thoughtful when their behaviors are being corrected. No matter how younger they are, this is something that looks more insolent. They usually feel like, the people they love the most may perceive them as bad that sets off sturdy emotions. They don’t know how to manage the intensity, and usually, it ends in some hostile ways. If you are looking for the tools to control the painful cycle, it is important to learn about the emotions and your kid’s brain.

Emotional Development

You never know how emotional stability could fluctuate suddenly when your children grow up. When they turn 4, this is the toughest phase for parents as they remain confused throughout. They do many new things more than when they were of 3. Now, at the age of 4 years, your child has mastered, and the emotional development has become more complexed, it even becomes more unpleasant and strong.

Well, your kid might not understand it all, when he got reprimanded he end up being embarrassed. They usually communicate their emotions by crying and screaming, as they don’t know how to deal with these hard feelings.

It might be a little difficult for you to stop and change those behaviors, and with time you might feel like its worsening. These emotions also combat with learning and studies, they become anxious when they fail a test. All you can try is the breaking cycle!

Break the Cycle

Try out these tips, some changes will support your kid’s behavior and controls the screaming and crying sessions.

Emotional Regulation: It is important to calm down your kids by looking into his eyes, then you could have the attention. Make the nervous system feel calmer, hold his hands, or wrap him with your arms, the touch will make him feel relaxed.

Set a Calming Emotional Tone: Maintain a calming voice, you can respond in two ways; give details about the problem, and understand his emotions. This makes him understand and make it easy for him to react to the problem. Instead of being anxious and angry stay calm!

Let Him Correct His Behavior: Give your kid a chance to understand and correct the negative acts, for example, if he throws some toys, let him pick them up. After some time he understands how to correct the mistakes.

Deal with Affection:

When you praise your child on his right behaviors, by saying you did it well, and keep going like that, and great you pick up the toys. Giving them affection will let them do it again and replaces the screams and cries with positive correcting acts. With time, you will see the negative emotions going away!

As you have already heard about the obesity issue in kids, it is an alarming situation for you to look at the unusual eating habits and weight gain. Today’s kids are at a higher risk of obesity and are expected to become obese when they reach adulthood. Well, if you think they are not that heavy now, still you need to manage their eating routine and diet.

There are some news published regarding obesity in children that focuses on the long term side effects later in life if it is not controlled in childhood. This is something quite worrisome for parents but a little effort can reduce the long-term effects. Obesity when remains throughout childhood can lead to chronic health problems in adulthood. Even if the kids who do not have unusual weight or poor eating habits are at risk of becoming obese.

Well, this is something alarming for public health as well. If most of the population becomes obese there are chances of having more chronic diseases in people. The chronic diseases caused by obesity include heart diseases and diabetes which become more prevalent.

Here comes the role of parents to control obesity in children. If you see your kid is gaining weight very rapidly, there is a need to talk with the pediatrician, and completely tell them about the health history and eating routine. The kid needs to be healthier and the whole family as well but there are always some elements that trigger weight gain and should be eliminated early.

Steps Parents Should take to Prevent Obesity

So parents must be thinking about what to do now? Well, parents are recommended to teach their children about listening to hunger and sensing the fullness, it is for all children not for the ones who are at risk of obesity. Not only the parents but the whole family should practice healthy food intake and cut off the following things to prevent obesity risks.

Take Balanced Meals Together

If you want to make your kid happier and healthier eaters there are several resolutions that you should practice and teach your kids as well, prepare the small plates that contain the healthy add ons. Make the model of how a healthy meal looks like by serving a few vegetables also.

Teach Children to understand hunger and fullness cues

They need to figure out when they are hungry before snacking. Teach them to ask themselves ‘am I hungry?’ if they are not, help them to find when they ate hungrily and what they need. Also understanding the fullness is important to prevent binge eating.

Eliminate Sugary Beverages

Don’t introduce them or keep the sugary beverages to home. When children start to drink sugary beverages they become obese from childhood. Thereby, parents are recommended to eliminate the beverages from their lives. 

When you are surrounded by a newborn, there are lots of things that are new to you. Most of the time it is hard to decide how to make things done when you are holding the little one in one hand. Well, decades ago there was no tradition among the moms of driving to the marts to buy the stuff when the pantry is getting out of stock. Moms happily eat whatever they have, quite harsh, but at that time there were few of the products for babies as well. But now, you are always looking for things that make them look cuter, cute like the little bee.

As things are getting tougher, raising the children the right way becomes more complicated as well. When you see your children doing things for no reason especially, crying without any actual reason, it troubles you like anything harsh.

Well, it is said to be because of overstimulation. It is the condition that triggers children of all ages. It has been observed that too much noise, a crowd of people, and visual effects could make the preschool children and newborns cry.  You may have noticed that your children are hiding behind your legs or arms when they are about to cry.

It bothers the mothers especially when they see that there is nothing that could make their children sad. It’s the parent’s perspective because they think they bring everything their children need, so they found no reason to become sad and cry. But it is a fact that when children cry there is some kind of emotions that they are experiencing.

Being stressed over why kids cry for no reason is nothing wrong. There are always some reasons that we all might don’t know. So, it is worth considering to find the reasons if you want to find out the possible solutions.

When you are questioning yourself, why my baby is crying, it is important to consider that crying is always a sign of communication. So in this perspective, crying is considered to be normal.

Well, as children grow up they find more ways to communicate and explain their needs. But still, they found crying as the most effective way of communication which gives them most of the attention from their caregivers. Moreover, it has been said by the experts that, if babies cry for 2 to 3 hours a day during the first three months, it is considered to be quite normal.

Pediatricians say that children could cry for anything and everything, as it is the first way of communication for them. When they grow up, this crying remains but with time they also learn to express their needs and wants through emotions.

The common reasons for a crying baby could be

  • When they are hungry.
  • When they are experiencing some sort of pain or discomfort.
  • It could be due to bed tantrums, or when they are totally tired.
  • Due to different situations, children usually cry when they are stressed or frustrated.
  • Separation anxiety is another big reason that makes children cry.
  • Children seek attention, but they don’t know how to ask, so they start crying.

When you see your children shouting and throwing tantrums for little things or sometimes no reason. Usually, moms choose to play Baby Shark in the middle to tempt them. We think this technique works better rather than doing some distracting activities.

It’s a pro tip, mothers can make a habit of preparing a comfort box that contains the stuff that is calming. Usually, when children are surrounded by their favorite things, they learn to manage their temper, it is a sort of treasure for them. But always remember, it on you how creatively you introduce it to your kids!

Mommies are always struggling to find ways that are helpful to calm-down their kids, usually, the phone technique is considered to distract, but it’s not healthy! The under-the-radar strategies are covered, but here we will discuss some really interesting ways that work like fun!

Start a Brain Game

So whenever you see your child getting uncontrolled, don’t waste your time by being just stressed over it. For sure, your child isn’t listening to you even if you are offering his/her favorite food, it’s time to play the brain game. Try something unexpected for your kids. Stimulate your kid by suddenly asking him about the colors in the room and touch them while identifying, of start jumping and whispering the funny sound to distract. This will shift his emotional state towards the fun!

Try Funny Ways to Hug

Cuddling is the soothing therapy for kids, whether they are angry or not. They feel so protective and love the positive vibes that are emitting from their mothers. When your kids are sad or excited the hugs from mom and dad both make them feel overwhelmed. There are always some funny ways to hug, like the butterfly hug by holding the child in arms and make him fly. Try out some more fun ways, and you will see the distress going away!

Soothe the Calming Spot of your Baby

This might be fussy, but it works like wonders. This soothing technique is suggested by many experts that helps in calming down the kids. Gently rub the pressure point in a circular motion following the curve at the top of the ear of your baby, keep talking with the baby. The second thing that you can do it, reach the elbow crease and simply slip your finger to the edge which is the closest to the body of your baby. This will make your kid feel good.

Release Positive Vibes

When you observe your baby has started to make the chanting sound of ‘om’, it means heading off the tears. Start distracting him by making eye contact when you are talking and rock him back and forth. Gently hold the hands and make a circle with the arms. Parents should teach their kids about chanting. It is the idea that specifies that every sound we make has some vibration, and the chant of ‘om’ relates to the heart. Chanting affects the areas in the brain that are related to emotions and slow down its activity.

Parents are always worried about the attention span of their children. When you are asking your kids to focus, it is important to think about how constructive and creative you are being in improving the attention span. As per the child development expert, children in the age of 4 to 5 years could focus on a particular task for two to five minutes. However, young kids could focus on an average of four to twenty minutes.

Moreover, the attention span should be in a particular context. Usually, we observed that there is a variation in the attention span of children. Typically in the middle of the day, night time, or before bedtime, in short, it depends on the situation. We can also say that the attention span is elastic. Well, there is no denying the fact that parents are always struggling to strengthen the concentration of their children. Here are some tips that you can try out to increase the attention span of your kids.

Make Tasks in Clusters

When children find a task very typical, they usually skip and pay no attention. If you want them to complete the task on hand, explain it in steps creatively. This is way better than giving long explanations and yelling at kids when they are not done with the projects.

Do More Exercise

The more your kids are moving, the more they can stay active and pay attention. It has been suggested that, if elementary-school children take short breaks could focus on their assignments more attentively. Give your kids outdoor toys such as jumping ropes and balls, or parents can play the favorite outdoor sports of their children. Simple family activities are recommended to plan if you want your kids to be more attentive.

Get Attention by Giving Them Attention

If you want your children to give you attention, it is important for the parents to give kids attention. Usually, the attention of parents is scattered, and if the parent’s attention is scattered, they cannot expect attention from kids. The best way to be attentive is to remain physically present while you are giving the kids directions.

Add Some Flavor in Mundane Tasks

There are some tasks in which children pay no interest and struggle to focus. Usually, children found routine tasks boring when such as homework when they start school. By just adding some creativity you can help your children enjoy that boring activity. Make things more engaging, and try to involve yourself with your kids.

Always Praise the Efforts of your Children

Praising the outcomes is a common practice among people. Saying a great job or nice effort boosts the confidence and self-esteem of a person. Similarly, when you praise the efforts of children b saying wonderful, keep it up, or it’s pretty right you can instantly boost the confidence level and moral and make them try more new things. Appreciation always works like wonders, so never disappoint children by saying anything bad to them.