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Make a Pregnancy Calendar Week-By-Week

Hooray! A human to love unconditionally for the rest of your life is almost here – celebrate all you want. Pregnancy, for most of the women is a magical time. Imagine life budding inside you and your role in the in the same life that will begin soon. Women with their motherly instincts are on […]

Important Tips for the Pregnancy Diet

Pregnancy is not the time to diet. Dieting can really affect your baby negatively and by doing dieting you may deprive your baby from important food groups. During pregnancy managing your body weight is important to keep you and your baby healthy. Expecting women really need to make sure that whatever they are eating throughout […]

How to Naturally Take Care of Your Skin?

Having flawless skin is the dream of every human being. With being so busy in our life whenever we get a chance to check on the mirror, we see that dullness on our skins and miss the skin we used to have then again become busy in the chores of life and the cycle goes […]

How to get rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are basically the inner layer of your skin when it expands and tears off leaving the inner skin behind to fill the gap. Almost every mother is likely to have stretch marks during pregnancy and that’s because of weight gain and skin expansion, the tummy increases every month as per the size of […]

How to Cope up During 2 Weeks Postpartum

Women with all the household challenges and daily chores found it difficult to take care of themselves. There are different changes that they might be ignoring since they give birth to the baby. Usually it takes time to recover from the postpartum fluctuations. Every week you will feel some different signs and symptoms. But it […]

How to Control Hair Fall after Pregnancy

A pregnant woman undergoes many changes, physical and hormonal, both. The changes are hard to pass through but women being as strong as always carry their illness and anxiety smoothly. Even after giving birth, it doesn’t stop instantly. Postpartum hair loss is a common issue every woman has to face. Hair loss after delivery is […]

Home Remedies for Upset Stomach and Tummy Aches of Babies

Raising a kid is no piece of cake! Their ever changing needs could get hard to interpret sometimes, their ever changing cravings that could get hard to fulfill sometimes, above all these changes comes sudden change in their condition and one of the reasons could be an upset stomach. Once you become a mother, you […]

Healthy Diet for Children of 5 to 10 Years!

Being a mother, sometimes it’s hard to deal with the changing cravings of your child. When your child is a newborn, the only thing they feed upon is milk which contains many nutritional elements for them. As they start growing up, their needs as well as their demand changes. And this became a million dollar […]

Get Rid of Cuts and Scrapes by Easy Ways

Minor cuts and scrapes might be the most frequent injury for each of us. For children, it’s like a normal routine because they go out and play and most of the time get themselves injured. No need to get worried about these small cuts, they eventually vanish by the time. The healing is a natural […]

Easy Beauty Tips Every Women Should Follow

One should be beautiful. However, the word should is used for the inner beauty which we call it beauty of the heart yet brain. Then you may go for outer beauty, which is based on  Your choice. It’s the matter of fact whether you want it or not since you’re beautiful just the way you are. […]