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How to make winter safe at home for children?

Winter is the season that brings joy and fun, outdoor activities, and adventures. You can never stop your child from going outside and play in the snow and cold. All you can do is taking care of them when they are going outdoors. Mommies are usually so worried about how they can take care of […]

How to Give Bath to your New Born?

Mothers usually get worried when it comes to bathing the newborn. It could be a nerve-wracking experience to bath a slimy baby. Well, until the kid starts playing in the mud, bathing very often isn’t needed. However, the newborn needs a bath only two to three times a week. Instead, every day you can clean […]

Haven’t Planned for the Babymoon? Don’t Miss it!

Before your newborn moves in have you decided on something exciting with your partner? Well, there is a relaxed gateway that you should not miss at any cost, and it is the babymoon. These days, a babymoon is trending among the new mums-to-be, they are similar to honeymoons, where couples choose to spend the holiday […]

Babies do not sleep at Night? Here are the reasons!

In new parenthood, the most combating time is handling the sleeping issues of babies. Setting the sleeping patterns in the baby from the first month is likely to be a very stressful part of parenthood. The sleeping issues grow up as the infant grows.  Most of the time, sleep issues appear due to normal illness, […]

Why Children Remain Consistently Tired?

Sometimes, children become exhausted, which is considered to be perfectly normal. But if you see your kid is consistently tired and inactive you need to investigate the issue promptly. Well, children are the capitals of the house, their laughter, running around the house, and silly conversations always keep up the moods of parents. But, when […]

Toddlers not eating? Here is what you need to do!

As your baby grows up, it has already become challenging for you to deal with the picky nature of them. Your healthy baby now starts toddling and become decisive about what to eat and what to not. They might not be taking the amount of food they need till the end of the day, even […]

The Common and Rare Side Effects of Flu Shots

The influenza vaccine is considered to be the best fortification from the seasonal flu, which is the reason millions of people around the globe take this vaccine every year by the recommendation of their consultant. The flu strains are very common in people, and this vaccine reduces the chances of getting the flu by 60 […]

Stalk the New Moms Friends Group!

The journey is so exciting and tiring at the same time. Well, well, from raising the infant in the womb to entering motherhood after birth is a far different thing for every woman. Once they get married, every woman starts wondering about the delights of life. A cozy and well-decorated home, pretty mornings and nights […]

Side Effects of Epidural Injection in C-section

For the C-section, an epidural is considered to be safe, but all the medical precautions should be followed. Well, labor is hard and painful for every woman, but C-sections are conducted in rare cases if the labor does not seem to be possible. C-section makes the whole process comfortable, but before that women are injected […]

Possible Allergic Reactions during Pregnancy

The changes in the skin are common in around 20% of pregnant women, which could be skin darkening, acne, and stretch marks. These new beauty marks make the mommies-to-be very self-conscious. The skin changes are normal in pregnancy, however, allergies from mild to severe are found rare. Well, the woman who is excited becomes worried […]