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Best Foods to Eat Before Bedtime

Waking up from sleep is not fulfilling and makes you feel tired in the morning, people usually blame their work stress and other depressing triggers. But you might not have considered that foods and drinks have a great impact on your sleep. Some of the people have personally experienced that foods have a major effect […]

Association of Bipolar Disorder and Pregnancy

Are you a dupe of bipolar disorder for ages? Or just got it during pregnancy? Suffering from bipolar disorder makes you feel differently. Bipolar and pregnancy are connected as most of the time women with bipolar disorder have different emotions. They do not want to become pregnant and want to become pregnant. Well, in both […]

Your Little One Arriving? See how to Be Prepared!

From spreading the good news of being parents to be to the time when the baby is just about to arrive make parents super excited to hold the little angel in their arms. So, when mommies already felt their baby inside their womb, the eagerness and curiosity of seeing them just increase as the time […]

You Weren’t Prepared, what about you Mommy?

The new moms never get as much attention as their growing belly receives. Mommies to be are always in the spotlight and under the random recommendations. Well, before being a mommy woman is a kind a girl who loves to be the center of attention who likes to make people adore her. But since they […]

Vivid and Weird dreams in pregnancy, normal or not?

During pregnancy, many women found that their dreams are weird and different from before pregnancy. These dreams become deeper and weird, and in most of the women, these dreams lead to nightmares and anxiety as they become more frightening. Well, the reason for the weird dream in pregnant women is the change of the hormone […]

Tips to Take Care of your Twin Babies All Alone!

The news is so exciting for the couple who are having twins. On the other hand, mommies got scared of how they will handle two together. Well, your mother has already extended the stay, and the time is near when she is heading home back, and dad has to resume his work. As you had […]

Things you need to know about Mindful Parenting

With the rough and tough routine and children’s chores, you can never focus on whether your parenting way is good or not. It is difficult for you to decide if you are running things smoothly and in a balanced way, are you leading things to success or not. Many of you have no idea about […]

Is Animal fur and Pets are harmful to your Newborn?

You and your husband definitely love your fluffy and cute dogs and cats, but there is another thing to remember, now you have a little baby in your home! Newborns are sensitive to even a small intention, they are more vulnerable to get exposed to infections as their immune system is not fully prepared to […]

How to make winter safe at home for children?

Winter is the season that brings joy and fun, outdoor activities, and adventures. You can never stop your child from going outside and play in the snow and cold. All you can do is taking care of them when they are going outdoors. Mommies are usually so worried about how they can take care of […]