When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, now he has to restrict the sugar intake. Among a remarkable population, the increasing number of diabetic patients is more likely due to the increased consumption of sugar. Conclusively, scientists are not confirmed whether sugar causes diabetes or not, however, it has been seen that fructose can increase the risk of liver disease. Moreover, sugar is said to be the reason for many other health problems such as heart diseases. Thereby, people are suggested by the professionals to limit the consumption of added sugar.

The only way to control diabetes and its complications is by physical activity for more than 150 minutes a week. People with diabetes are suggested to eat a balanced diet that is rich in protein, fiber, and saturated fats. Well, as diabetes cut off the intake of sugar, diabetic patients go for artificial sweeteners. Researchers have found that, if you are looking for managing your diabetes, artificial sugar is said to be counterintuitive. Moreover, the consumption of sugar alternates might directly be associated with the increase of diabetes and obesity.

There are some sugar substitutes that you can easily choose from which includes:

  • Date sugar
  • Tagatose
  • Coconut palm sugar
  • Sugar alcohols, like erythritol or xylitol.
  • Stevia or stevia products such as Truvia.
  • Monk fruit extract

The Best Sugar Alternates or Artificial Sweeteners


Usually, this type of sugar alternate is provided by restaurants and cafes. It is a well-known and widely used artificial sweetener. This type of substitute contains a zero-calorie which is 200-700 times better and sweeter than table sugar. In the 1970s, according to FDA, there was research conducted in the laboratory on rats to find out the relation between bladder cancer and saccharin, but now more than 30 human studies mark saccharin safe and are not considered to be a potential cause of cancer.

Sugar Alcohols

The sugar alcohols come from the natural fibers present in vegetables and fruits. This alternate is normally used in many of the so-called sugar-free desserts, gums, and candies. They are low in calories and relatively blood-sugar friendly as compared to carbohydrates. Sugar alcohols might have a laxative upshot which could be a reason for bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea in some people. When you are adding sugar alcohol in your foods and beverages begin with the small amounts and see how it works on you.


This is the most well-known kind of naturally occurring sugar that still researchers studying. With the initial studies they have found that it helps reduce the blood sugar and insulin response hinders with the carbohydrates absorption and potentially an antiobesity and antidiabetic medication. There are no adverse side effects are found related to tagatose. But before taking the tagatose sugar sweetener consult with the doctor.


This kind of sweetener is another natural product that drives from the lead of the stevia plant. It contains antidiabetic and antioxidant properties. This sweetener is more often used in beverages and foods moreover, it is calorie-free. Studies have found no impact of stevia on blood sugar, and it is recognized as safe by the experts.